Page 69 of Alpha Jax
“Yeah,” she sighs, still staring out the window. She pauses, turning to me, studying my face for a few moments before adding, “your family’s amazing.”
I smile, giving her a sideways glance. “They’re a little nutty.”
“They’re great.”
I nod in agreement, and a long pause settles between us before Quinn speaks again. She stares out her window, her voice low.
“You’re lucky.”
The way she says it makes my chest ache and my throat burn. She’s right- Iamlucky. I don’t stop to think about that often enough, or about how not everyone has a family like mine; both parents, siblings that are close. A family that gets along and enjoys spending time together. Quinn doesn’t, and I hate that for her, especially because I can see how much she wants it. She fit right in with my family tonight, like she was right where she belonged.
We’re both lost in thought the rest of the way back to the complex. I pull into my parking spot, cutting the engine and looking over at Quinn again. I can see her face in the reflection of the passenger side window, so beautiful it hurts.
She catches my eye in the reflection, turning to me with a coy smile and reaching down to unbuckle her seatbelt. “Thanks for inviting me along. This was fun.”
“Yeah, anytime.”
Another pause stretches between us as Quinn drags her bottom lip between her teeth and my eyes track the movement. I have the urge to do the same thing with those pouty pink lips, but right when I’m about to lean over and kiss her, she opens the passenger door to climb out.
“Later, Jaxon,” she breathes, hopping down and spinning around to face me. She holds the leftover lasagna in one hand and grabs onto the edge of the door with the other, flashing me a smile. “Thanks again.”
“Hey,” I call as she starts to swing the door closed.
Quinn pauses, peering inside the truck at me again.
“We never talked about the party at the swimming hole yesterday… in your text last night you said you wanted to tell me something about it?”
“It can wait,” she says with a dismissive wave of her hand. “Next time.”
She pushes the door closed, and I watch in my rearview mirror as she struts across the parking lot toward the complex. Once she rounds the corner, I’ll wait another minute or two before I get out and go inside.
Because that’s what we do- sneak around and try not to get caught. I shouldn’t want to walk her to her door, shouldn’t want to snuggle up next to her on my parents’ couch like we’re a couple. I can’t allow myself to want those things with Quinn.
I shouldn’t have gone home with Jax for Sunday dinner. I knew it from the moment he asked, saying it wasn’t a big deal for him to bring a friend home for dinner- because we’renotfriends, not really. I knew it from the moment I stepped foot in his house and met his family- all of whom are lovely and warm and welcoming. I knew it from the moment his little sister said he’d never brought a girl home before, and I knew it when we got cozy on the couch and lost track of time. I shouldn’t have gone, because it took this thing between us across some invisible line, and now I’m not sure if we can go back.
I’ve had an unsettled feeling since, like we can’t leave things this way. We need to get back on track, back to the way things are supposed to be between us. Back to simple and uncomplicated. That’s why I send Jax a text shortly after we return to the complex, telling him to leave his door unlocked. I don’t even wait for lights-out to make my move- I casually pad barefoot down the hallway in my pajamas, make sure the coast is clear, and slip into his room.
Once safely inside, I flip the lock on the door before turning around and taking in the interior of Jax’s room. This is my first time in here, and I’m not sure what I expected, but it’s… cleaner than I thought it would be.Tidy, even. Everything seems to have its place- even his dirty clothes are in a hamper near the closet rather than strewn about the floor. Jax is lying on his bed in nothing but a pair of gym shorts, sprawled out on top of his navy-blue comforter. He’s got one arm drawn up behind his head, and his hard body is such a sharp contrast to the softness of the blankets and pillows he’s reclining on.
He looks over at me when I enter, dropping his phone on the bed and hitting me with a smile that could knock me off my feet. “Hey, beautiful.”
That deep, velvety voice steals my breath. I just stare at him for a moment, appreciating every dip and curve of exposed muscle on his torso and how his wavy dark blond hair has a way of looking perfect even when it’s disheveled. As I take him in, his pale blue-grey eyes rake over my body, too, alight with intent when they reach my own.
Oh yeah. We’re both on the same page here.
In the time I take a single step his way, Jax rolls off of the bed, rises to his feet, and crosses the room to me. Our bodies collide with dizzying force- it’s all hands and lips and the sizzle of sparks between our skin. He captures my mouth in a hungry kiss, our tongues dancing as our hands roam one another’s bodies. He’s tugging at my thin pajama top; I’m clawing at his mesh athletic shorts. It’s a race to see who can get who naked first.
This. This is how it’s supposed to be between us- no thoughts or feelings or complications, just the fulfillment of our most basic needs. Nothing but our raw, carnal desire for one another.
I drop to my knees and Jax’s eyes practically bug out of his skull as he looks down at me- eyes that are clouded with lust and shimmering with silver. I tuck my fingers into the waistband of his shorts on either hip, tugging them down, drawing a short gasp as his cock springs free at eye-level. I already know it’s big, but as it bobs right in front of my eyes it’s like a damn monster, long and thick and rock hard.
I grip it with both hands, working his dick as I gaze up at him demurely, licking my lips. The look in his eyes is savage; heat curls in my belly as he buries his fingers in my hair, guiding my head where he wants it. Guiding my mouth to his cock. The velvety smooth head is soft against my lips as they part take him in, and he groans in pleasure as I suck him into my mouth inch by glorious inch, slowly moving up and down his length. I swirl my tongue underneath the base of his cock as I work him over, which he seems to fucking love. His thighs tremble; his fingers tug at my hair.
I start to pick up the pace, keeping a hand at the base of his shaft to work his dick while my mouth glides over the rest of his length. He starts moving his hips in rhythm with my movements, his cock going deeper into my mouth with each thrust, hitting the back of my throat. The sounds he’s making and the way he’s coming undone make me feel so fucking powerful, only driving me to suck harder, take him deeper. Drive him over the edge.