Page 52 of Alpha Jax
“What are you talking about?” I laugh. “It’s Boyd. The dude’s a vulture, you’ve been single for like five minutes. It’s so like him to jump right in and try to flirt with you.”
She folds her arms over her chest defensively. “So what? Is that a bad thing?”
“I mean, it’sBoyd,” I chuckle. If Kyla knew him like I do, she’d understand my meaning.
“And? Not all of us have guys throwing themselves at them,” she blurts, her tone laced with bitterness.
I arch a brow, my smile fading from my face. Things have been a little bit off between Kyla and I since that night with Tony, but for her to toss it back in my face like this…
She must realize how that comment landed, because she quickly dials it back, blowing out a breath. “You know what I mean,” she says with a wave of her hand. “You can have any guy you want.”
“Not any guy,” I sigh, immediately kicking myself for even thinking it, let alone saying it out loud. I don’t want to be questioned about Jax right now, though, so I scramble to think of something else to say. “Are you interested in Boyd?”
I guess I succeed in glossing over my admission about Jax, because Kyla shrugs, twirling a strand of her honey blonde hair around a finger. “Maybe. I didn’t notice how cute he was before…” She darts a glance in his direction, her lips tipping up into a mischievous smile when she turns back to me. “He’shot.”
Although my first instinct is to scrunch my nose in response, it’s too good to see Kyla smiling and joking again to rain on her parade. And hey- if I didn’t grow up with Boyd and know him like I do, I’m sure I’d find him attractive, too. So I just smile and keep my mouth shut.
“And don’t think I missed what you meant by that comment,” Kyla adds, setting her hands on her hips and narrowing her eyes at me. “What’s going on with the ol’ cowboy, anyways?”
Busted. And here I thought I made a clean getaway from that slip-up.
I reach back for my ponytail, fiddling with the end of it. “Oh, I don’t know…” I say evasively, avoiding her eyes.
The truth is, I haven’t filled Kyla in on what’s been happening with Jax since her breakup with Tony was so fresh. I thought I’d be a shitty friend if I bragged about how great things were going with me while she was nursing a broken heart, but now I feel like a shitty friend for keeping it from her.
I heave a sigh, looking back up at Kyla. I’m about to spill the beans when she glances over my shoulder, a smirk tugging at her lips. I turn to see what she’s looking at, and my breath catches in my throat when I see Jaxon in all his toned, muscular glory, heading my way.
I snap my head back around and my ponytail whips me in the face.Real fucking smooth, Quinn.
“How’s it going over here?” Jax asks as he approaches, and holy fuck he smells good enough to eat. How can I scent him from here? It’s like it’s engrained in my memory, driving me and my wolf both crazy when he’s near. She immediately perks up, clawing at my insides while I focus on shoving her back down.
“Good,” Kyla answers for me, her smirk deepening as she looks from Jax to me. “Though Quinn could use some work with her form on the left block.”
I glare at Kyla, my cheeks heating as Jax steps closer to me.
“Yeah?” he asks, coming up beside me. “I can help with that. Wanna show me what you’ve got?”
Hell yeah I do.
The memory of him between my legs this morning creeps in as I take a step forward, flipping him a devilish glance over my shoulder before sinking into a defensive position and nodding to Kyla. “Try not to break my nose this time,” I tease as she gets into position across from me.
“No promises,” Kyla chirps, grinning as she prepares to launch herself at me.
She does, and I fend her off easily, employing the left block maneuver that Fallon demonstrated earlier. Like I said, the moves she taught us are pretty basic. Thankfully, I don’t take an elbow to the face this time, though Kyla lets out a little grunt of frustration when I knock her onto her butt.
“Very good,” Jax mumbles from behind me. For a second I forgot he was even there- which seems impossible when I spin to face him and he gives me a little smirk that makes me go weak in the knees.
“Just a couple things,” he adds, striding toward me. He stops when he’s right in front of me, his body dangerously close to mine. “Make sure you square your upper body,” he murmurs, reaching out to set his hands on my shoulders.
I flinch at his contact because it feels so damn good, my skin sizzling under his fingertips. My heart hammers against my ribs as he trails his hands down my arms, then tucks in to grasp my hips.
“Try to keep your weight even on your hips, too,” Jax grumbles, wetting his bottom lip with his tongue. My eyes track the movement- and then I can’t stop staring at his mouth.The things he can do with that mouth…
“Wanna try it again?” he asks, stepping back.
It’s like the world around us whooshes back in, and I can feel my heartbeat in my ears as I try to regain my composure, cheeks flushing as I spin back around to face Kyla. She’s already in position across from me, giving me a knowing grin.The little shit.
We go again, and I don’t think I really do anything different the second time around, but Jax nods in approval.