Page 33 of Alpha Jax
“Is there a problem here?” Jax asks, arching a brow as he looks to Drew.
“No…” Drew stammers, shaking his head. “No problem.”
Jax folds his bulky forearms across his chest. “Why don’t you get lost, then.”
Drew doesn’t respond- he just turns tail and retreats, scampering out of the locker room. I watch after him until the door is swinging closed, then turn to face Jax.
Damn, he looks good up close… I could lose myself in those blue-grey eyes of his.
“You alright?” he asks, and I’m not gonna lie, the superhero act is a total turn-on for me.
“Yeah,” I breathe, holding my towel tight around my chest and offering him a smile. “Thanks.”
“No problem.” He runs a hand through that wavy dark blonde hair, smiling back.
“Are you like, stalking me or something?” I tease.
Not that I mind one bit. This guy’s welcome to stalk me any day, any time. And if he wants to do more than stalk me…
Jax chuckles. “Nah, just happened to be coming in to grab a shower. And I told your brother I’d look after you, so…”
The smile fades from my face. “What?”
My chest tightens. Here, I thought Jax was paying me attention because we were attracted to one another- but now it turns out that Theo asked him to? Was that his motivation this entire time? The revelation makes me feel icky, violated somehow.
He shrugs. “Theo asked me to…”
“No, I heard you,” I interrupt, scowling. I push past Jax, heading for the door.
I whip around, my towel nearly falling off in the process. I clutch it to my chest, narrowing my eyes. “You know, I’m sosickof guys trying to control me,” I grind out. “I’m a big girl, I don’t need men always looking after me. I can take care of myself.”
Jax opens his mouth to speak, but I don’t give him a chance- I spin back around, pushing open the locker room door and stepping through.
I storm down the hallway to the squad dorms, so mad that I feel like my blood is boiling in my veins. All my life, I’ve been surrounded by men telling me what to do, thinking they know what’s best for me. My dad was always doing that at home, and now that I’ve left, it’s the same shit- Clay sicking Drew on me, Theo asking Jax to keep an eye on me. I’m so fucking over it.
And okay, I know this isn’t really Jax’s fault, per se- if there’s anyone to blame, it’s probably Theo- but he was the lucky one there to bear the brunt of my frustration. And to think that before he said what he did, I was considering dropping my towel and taking a chance…
As soon as I’ve shut myself in my room, I throw my toiletry bag across it, still fuming. Then I flop down onto my bed, staring at the ceiling, wondering if I’ll ever be able to just live my own damn life without someone breathing down my neck. Wishing that things would stop being so damn complicated.
I haven’t spoken to Jax since that day in the locker room. For the past two days, I’ve kept busy with training and IT, resisting the temptation to even look his way. Honestly, I’m not sure how to feel about him anymore- I just keep wondering whether our connection was real or if I built it up in my head since he seemed just as drawn to me as I was to him. He may not have been drawn to me at all, though- he was just doing my brother’s bidding.
On the other hand, that doesn’t account for our first meeting, because the spark between us was definitely there that night- and we both looked for each other afterwards, seeking something. That certainly points to our connection being genuine, doesn’t it? Maybe I’m just being too guarded, trying to protect myself after Clay put me through hell. Either way, my walls are up when it comes to Jax.
I spot him right away when I walk into the Goldenleaf bar, though, and he looks so good that it hurts. Why can’t he be some hideous monster that’s easily forgotten? No, instead he has to be this impossibly gorgeous Adonis packed with chiseled muscle. He runs a hand through that perfectly messy wavy hair as he glances in my direction, and as soon as those pale eyes meet mine, I’m a fucking goner. I’ll forgive him anything if he puts his hands on me again.
Vienna grabs me by the arm, pulling my attention away from Jax, tugging me toward the bar. I order my usual- two shots of chilled tequila- and recline against the bar as I wait for them to be delivered, little Vienna chatting my ear off.
“So is your friend Logan single? Do you think he’ll be here tonight?”
I grin, turning to face her. “Yes, he’s single. And I’m pretty sure he said he was coming out tonight.”
Vienna nods, trying to play it casual, but the smile creeping across her face gives her away. “Cool.”