Page 14 of Alpha Jax
What the hell?
“Logi!” Quinn screams, launching herself at Logan. He catches her easily and she wraps her arms and legs around him tightly.
“How are ya, Q?” Logan laughs, looping his arms around her waist to hold her to his chest.
I… have no idea what I’m watching. Logan’s a squad member- he joined last summer. He’s tall, covered in tattoos and lean muscle, and probably what most women would consider to be good looking. I suppose he’d fit the bill for ‘tall, dark, and handsome’. He was at the top of his class of recruits, so we were glad to have him volunteer to help out with training the reserve squad.
“Ugh, I’ve missed you,” Quinn sighs, squeezing Logan tight. After a long moment, she unwinds her arms and legs, hopping back down.
Logan beams at Quinn standing across from him. “I’ve missed you too. Things around here are about to get a whole lot more interesting now that you’ve moved in.”
Quinn laughs, shoving Logan playfully. “We’ll see.”
My curiosity is fuckingkillingme. I know Logan is from Summervale, but who is he to Quinn? I can’t help myself- I’ve gotta find out. I approach the two of them, giving Logan a little tip of my chin in greeting.
Logan bows his head to me. “Make sure you don’t take it easy on this one,” he says teasingly, looking back to Quinn. “She’s trouble.”
Trouble. I knew that night that she was trouble- I think I even fucking said it.If only I knew how much.
I arch a brow. “Oh yeah?”
I’m still curious as fuck as to what the relationship is between these two.
“Am not,” Quinn shoots back, giving Logan another little shove and rolling her eyes.
Someone calls to her from across the practice field- I think it’s the little blonde girl she was with that night in Stillwater. I thought I recognized her earlier.
“Gotta run,” she breathes, turning and jogging back to retrieve her water bottle. She scoops it off of the ground along with her t-shirt, carrying them both back to where Logan and I are standing. “Catch up with you later?” she asks, pointing to Logan. He gives her a nod and Quinn takes off in the direction of her friend.
Both of us watch after her. I’m the first to look away, turning to Logan and folding my arms across my chest. He’s a big guy, but I’m bigger. And he’s no alpha. Not that it matters, but for some reason, my wolf is pressing forward, puffing out his chest, sizing this guy up.
“You know she’s Theo’s sister, right?” I grumble. After all, I told Theo I’d look out for Quinn- and just because I already fucked things up doesn’t mean that I don’t intend to follow through with that promise.
Logan turns to me, unruffled. “Yeah, of course. I grew up with her.”
I nod slowly. “Well Theo has made it pretty clear that his sister is off limits for squad guys,” I grind out.
“What?” Logan laughs, looking at me like I just sprouted a second head. “You thinkmeand…” he laughs again, shaking his head. “Nah, it’s not like that. Quinn and I are best friends. Never been anything more than platonic.”
I don’t know why, but some part of me is fucking thrilled to hear that. My wolf relaxes, retreating.
“Good,” I quip. “I, uh… told Theo I’d look out for her, is all.”
“She doesn’t need it,” Logan chuckles.
I turn to him, raising a brow in question.
“A girl like that?” he continues, flicking a glance in Quinn’s direction. “She can look out for herself.”
I grunt, watching her from across the field. She’s exactly as she was that night- radiating bold confidence. I scrub a hand over my face, begrudgingly tearing my eyes away from her. I glance at Logan, cracking a small smile. “I’m starting to get that impression.”
I’m shoving the last of my clothes into a drawer when I hear a knock, glancing in the direction of the open door of the room in the squad dorms where I’m getting settled in. Brooke’s there leaning against the doorframe, dressed in ripped up jeans and aJourneyt-shirt, a bright smile on her face.
“Hey, stranger,” she greets when I turn to look at her, adjusting her black framed glasses on the bridge of her nose. “How are you settling in?”