Page 100 of Alpha Jax
I groan as she takes a little step back, my hands sliding from her waist. “Guess we’ll pick this up tonight,” I grumble, running a hand through my disheveled hair.
“Sure.” Quinn saunters over to her bed, sinking down on the edge of it to put her gym shoes on. “Your place or mine?”
I shrug. “Doesn’t matter. I should talk to Gray about getting us a double room, like Theo and Brooke have…”
“Mated less than twenty-four hours and you already wanna shack up with me?” Quinn laughs, rising to her feet again.
“Obviously.” I rake my eyes up and down her body, then give a little flick of my head, beckoning her back over.
Quinn heaves a sigh, crossing the room to me again. As soon as she’s within reach, I grab her around the waist and pull her in. She automatically loops her arms around my neck, tilting her head as she stares up at me.
“I wanna wake up beside you every day, is that so much to ask?”
She sinks her teeth into her bottom lip, eyes roaming my face before they lock on mine again. “Nah, that actually sounds pretty good.”
The little smirk that stretches her lips begs for me to kiss them again, and I do- just a quick kiss, or we’ll be right back where we started. I give her ass a squeeze before I let her go again and the two of us exit her room. We walk hand in hand down the hallway and once we hit the end, we go our separate ways- me to the practice field, Quinn to IT.
This mate bond must already have me whipped, because as soon as we part, I’m practically counting the minutes until I can be near her again.
The guys and I head to the bar in Goldenleaf that evening to grab a beer and unwind. It was Theo’s suggestion- the whole IT unit is working late tonight to chase down any updates as to Denver’s movements, so both Brooke and Quinn are tied up. The two of us were looking for a distraction, and when we ran into Gray on our way out, it didn’t take much convincing for him to join. Brock and Reid took even less convincing- a testament to how taxing these past twenty-four hours have been. While they’d both already left the complex for the day, a few text messages later all five of us are seated around our usual table in the back corner of the Goldenleaf bar.
We’ll have a meeting in the morning to go over tonight’s findings from IT and develop a plan for Denver. Until we review their intel, everything’s up in the air- we don’t know whether we’ll need to head to Denver in three days or three weeks. It’s a little fucking stressful, but for now, the beer is going down smooth and taking the edge off.
“Can I get you boys another round?” the waitress, Kelly asks sweetly as she slides between Theo and Gray to collect the empty bottles off of our table.
Gray nods, finishing off the rest of his beer and handing it to her. “Yeah, keep ‘em coming.”
“Sure thing, Alpha,” she chirps, grinning at Gray. The poor girl has always had a crush on him- though she’s reined in her flirtation considerably since he found his mate. Not only would Fallon kick Kelly’s ass, but she’s her Luna, a position which demands respect.
Kelly scurries away, her short, pink-streaked hair bouncing. The bar is pretty dead tonight- though itisa weeknight and I’m usually here on Saturdays when it’s packed to the gills. The tables in our immediate vicinity are empty, while a few across the room hold only a handful of patrons. It’s no wonder that Kelly is back at our table in record timing, unloading a tray of fresh beers. We all thank her and reach for them eagerly.
“So you and Quinn, huh?” Gray asks once Kelly leaves again, turning to me with an amused smile as he tips his beer bottle up to his lips.
At the mention of my mate, I can’t help but grin, giving him a nod. “Me and Quinn.”
Theo’s seated in his usual spot between Gray and I, and he does little to hide his grimace as he takes a swig of his beer.
“You seem to be taking this well.” Gray laughs, elbowing him teasingly.
Theo swallows and heaves a sigh. “I’ll get used to it. It’s just a little fucking weird still.”
Reid snorts, clearly amused. “There’s also the fact that Jax was a little too loose-lipped about his escapades before realizing it was your sister.”
Gray and Reid both crack up, while I press my lips into a tight line, my face heating in embarrassment.What I wouldn’t do to take some of those comments back…
Theo scowls beside me, while Brock looks to each of us, clearly confused. “Did I miss something?” he asks.
“Don’t you remember when Jax was searching for his mystery girl?” Reid chuckles as I shoot him a glare. He’s enjoying this way too much. “The way he described how… eh…greatshe was?”
I see realization dawn on Brock. His wide-eyed gaze slides between Theo and I, and then he does something he rarely does- he throws back his head and laughs.
“No fucking way,” Brock chokes, cracking up alongside Reid and Gray.
“Oh yeah, it’s justhilarious,” Theo says with a deep eye roll, his voice dripping with sarcasm. He takes a long pull of his beer, swallowing as he points the bottle toward our three friends who can’t contain their laughter. “You guys wouldn’t find this so funny if you had sisters.”
“That’s exactlywhyit’s so funny,” Reid chuckles. “Because you two are the ones with sisters and you both say the most raunchy shit about your hookups. Bet you’ll think twice before you do that again…”