Page 97 of Alpha Theo
“Not sure,” I say over my shoulder. I grab for the handle and turn back to him, and he’s got a puzzled look on his face. Probably because my answer to that question has always been a resounding ‘yes’.
“Depends on what Brooke wants to do,” I add.
A smile creeps across Gray’s face. He and Fallon exchange glances again while I just toss them a wave over my shoulder, pulling open the door to leave.
As much as I enjoy going out to the bar in Goldenleaf, part of me hopes that Brooke will want to do something else tonight so I can get some time alone with her. And if she does, I think I know just the place to take her.
The squad barracks are quiet by the time I leave my room- it’s already late and most everyone is out at the bar tonight. Apparently Brooke found some ‘bug’ in her program and wanted to fix it, so I’ve been bored as hell sitting in my room waiting for her text to tell me she’s ready to leave. As soon as I received her message, I practically ran for the door.
I could’ve found Brooke’s room with my eyes closed given how strong the pull of the mate bond is. I can already scent her from the other side of the door when I lift my hand to knock, shoving my hands in the pockets of my gym shorts and stepping back.
I hear her footsteps as she approaches the door, my heart rate increasing. Then she pulls it open, greeting me with a bright smile.
“That was fast,” she remarks, settling a hand on her hip. “Did you check the weather forecast this time?”
Her words don’t even register because I’m too busy checking her out. I rake my eyes up her body- from her black gym shoes to her bare tan legs, from her tiny black running shorts that give such an incredible view of those long legs to her greyForeignert-shirt that conceals those perfect little tits of hers, from her long blonde hair hanging loose around her shoulders to those striking blue eyes, unobstructed by her glasses. Even dressed down, my girl’s sexy as hell- I practically have to pick my jaw up off the floor when I meet her gaze.
She arches a brow questioningly and I just stare back at her.What was her question?
“You’re plotting to get stuck in a storm again, aren’t you?” Brooke teases.
I chuckle, shaking my head.
Right, that was what she asked about. The weather.
“It didn’t end so badly last time,” I grin, thinking back to how hot it was sharing a shower with her, even from opposite sides of the locker room.
Brooke rolls her eyes, giving me a little shove as she steps out of her room, closing the door behind her.
We start down the hallway, and I slide a hand to the small of her back almost instinctively, guiding her beside me.
“Are we gonna try the same trail again?” she asks as we reach the double doors to leave the complex, each of us pushing open one of them.
“I was thinking we’d try a different one,” I say. Little does she know, I’ve got a trick up my sleeve for our night hike tonight- and I’m practically fucking giddy with anticipation.
After we pass through the complex gate, I grab Brooke’s hand to lead her around the side to pick up the forest trail.
“You sure you’re okay with not going out?” she asks, lacing her fingers with mine as we walk side by side.
Truthfully, I don’t mind skipping the bar one bit if it means I get to hang with Brooke. I feel like going to the bar with her would be a recipe for disaster anyways, given my history with several of the females that frequent the place.
“Of course. I’d rather do something with you.” I flash her my most charming smile, and even through the dark, I swear I can see a blush form on her cheeks.
“I could actually use a drink after the week I’ve had,” she chuckles wryly.
“We could’ve gone for a drink,” I shrug. “We still could, the bar isn’t far.”
Brooke snorts. “Yeah, and just walk in there together holding hands?”
“Why not?”
She gives a little shake of her head. “What are people gonna think?”
“Psh, they won’t think a thing of it,” I scoff. “It wouldn’t be the first time I showed up there with a chick on my arm.”