Page 44 of Alpha Theo
I hold still while Fallon sinks down on the bed beside me and gets to work.
“You think Connor could be your mate?”
“Dunno,” I mumble, closing my eyes so she can apply the eyeliner. “Crazier things have happened. I mean, you liked Gray and he wound up being your mate.”
“True.” She finishes one eye and switches to the other. “Just pay attention to how you feel around him. Listen to your wolf. Mine freaked out whenever I was around Gray.”
I stifle a laugh, trying to remain still. “My wolf isn’t a very good judge of character.”
“Yeah, your wolf’s a little crazy,” Fallon agrees.
We’ve always joked about how our wolves must have been switched at birth- Fallon’s wolf is calm, easy to control, while mine is wily as heck.
“She’s a big fan of Theo,” I murmur.
“Oof. Maybe don’t listen to your wolf, then.”
We both giggle. I hear Fallon click the top back on the eyeliner and I open my eyes, blinking a few times.
She grabs for the tube of mascara next, screwing it open. “Is he still bugging you at the unit?”
Fallon holds up the mascara wand and I blink into it to cover my lashes.
“We’ve actually become friends, kinda.”
Fallon stops, leaning back, studying me suspiciously. “You andTheo?Friends?”
I chuckle. “Trust me, I know how it sounds.”
She gets back to work with the mascara, applying it to the lashes of my other eye.
“I don’t have to tell you to be careful around him, right?”
“No,” I scoff. “We’rejustfriends.”
“Ohhhkay,” Fallon breathes, pulling back the mascara wand and screwing it into the tube. “As long as that childhood crush isn’t coming back.”
I roll my eyes, shaking my head.
Fallon applies the bronzer to my face next, then the lipstick. She holds up a little mirror in front of me after she’s finished and I nod in approval. The makeup is simple, pretty. Exactly what I wanted.
She throws her makeup back into the pouch and zips it up, rising to stand. “Now for the shoes…”
“I thought I’d just wear my chucks,” I tease, and Fallon gives me a huge eyeroll as she digs in the bottom of her dress bag again.
She pulls out a pair of nude pumps, thrusting them in my direction.
I groan. “You know how I hate heels.”
“Just put them on.”
I do. Once I slide my feet into the pumps, I stand and turn to face the mirror, giving myself a once-over.
“My work here is done.” Fallon swats my butt. “Go get him, girl! Let him see that thong!”
I shake my head, cheeks flushing. “My dress is stayingon, Fal. If things go well, the most he’s getting is a goodnight kiss.”