Page 144 of Alpha Theo
Thankfully, she takes that as her cue to leave, saying “see ya” and giving us a little wave as she shuffles past us and continues down the hallway.
Good riddance. I hope she runs and tells everyone that Theo’s officially off the market. News travels fast at the squad complex.
Theo takes my hand and we make our way outside, around to the parking lot where his motorcycle is parked. A few minutes later, I’ve got my arms wrapped around him and we’re pulling out onto the road to head to Summervale.
Being on the back of Theo’s bike feels so natural now. I relish in the feeling of the wind in my hair, the adrenaline pumping through my veins as we pick up speed. The blur of the trees beside us doesn’t scare me anymore, it excites me. We pull into the driveway of my parents’ house about twenty minutes later, and the roar of the motorcycle’s engine must tip them off because by the time we’ve climbed off and Theo is strapping my helmet to the back, my dad is pulling open the front door, peering outside.
His face spreads into a grin when he sees me. “Brooke!”
I laugh in response to his enthusiasm, jogging up the front walkway to meet him on the porch. “Hey Dad!”
He sweeps me into his arms, pulling me in tight for a hug.
“How’s it going?” he asks as he releases me and steps back, looking cautiously over my shoulder at Theo starting up the front walk.
“Great, actually,” I say, glancing back at Theo.
He’s by my side in a few more strides, sticking his hand out to shake my dad’s.
“Theo,” Dad greets, shaking his hand. “Nice to see you.”
“Likewise, sir,” Theo says respectfully. He slides an arm around my waist, tucking me into his side.
Dad looks from Theo to me, narrowing his eyes suspiciously. “Is there something I’m missing here?”
I giggle, nodding my head. “Theo’s my mate.”No point in beating around the bush.
Dad’s jaw practically hits the floor- he looks like he could be knocked over with a feather. Mom appears in the doorway behind him, eyes wide as she peeks around his large form.
“Did I just hear what I think I heard?!” she squeals, elbowing my dad out of the way so she can squeeze past him.
I nod, grinning.
Mom lets out a sigh of happiness, reaching out to throw her arms around both Theo and me. Theo chuckles, stooping down to accept Mom’s embrace as she starts gushing. “I can’t believe it! I’m so happy for you two!”
“Thanks, Mom,” I breathe as she steps back, still beaming.
Dad has finally recovered from his initial shock and now he’s sporting a huge grin, too.
“Congratulations,” he laughs, stepping beside mom to offer Theo a hug. “Welcome to the family.”
Theo’s a little stiff, but he returns my dad’s hug, a smile spreading across his face.
My parents’ reaction to our news makes my heart swell. They’ve always been so loving, so supportive.
“Come on, come inside,” Mom urges, waving at us.
The four of us make our way into the house and settle into the living room, Mom and Dad on the couch and Theo on the overstuffed chair that I usually claim. I perch beside him on the armrest of the chair, still practically giddy with the excitement of sharing our news with my family.
“So are you chosen mates, then?” Dad asks. He must be trying to work out the timeline, since the full moon isn’t for two days. He’s got the same analytical brain that I do.
Theo glances up at me, a smile dancing across his lips. “Fate put us together, but we still chose each other.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you guys,” I blurt. “We found out last full moon, but I didn’t want anybody to know until we figured things out and sealed the bond.”
“So you’re fated?” Mom asks excitedly. She slaps my dad’s chest with the back of her hand. “Can you believe it, Kent? Both of our girls fated to alphas? We must’ve done something right!”
Dad lets out a laugh, draping an arm over Mom’s shoulders. “Definitely. I couldn’t be prouder.”