Page 14 of Alpha Theo
“I mean, I would but…”
“But what?” I snap, finally turning to face him.
Theo shakes his head, a devilish smile across his face as he reaches one of those burly arms up and rakes his fingers through his hair.
“Well you’re holding it.”
My eyes fly wide and I look down to find that I’m still clutching that charcoal grey t-shirt tightly in my hands.
I throw it at him like it’s on fire and he snatches it out of the air, still chuckling as he shakes it out and slips it on.
The shirt doesn’t help calm my nerves, not now that I know what his body looks like underneath. The shirt’s tight, dipping and curving with the well-defined muscle beneath the fabric.
I try to come up with something to say, anything to say, but all I can manage is “are you stalking me or something?”
Theo rolls his eyes, folding his arms across his chest. The sleeves of his t-shirt strain against his biceps. “Now why would I be stalking you, kid? I was out for a run, same as you.”
Oh.Well that makes sense.
Still, I’m annoyed by his interruption of what was supposed to be a leisurely run. I’m annoyed by the way he keeps calling me ‘kid’. I wanted to come out here to clear my head, and now it’s scrambled.
An awkward pause settles between us before Theo speaks up again.
“Did you have fun last night?”
The question catches me a little bit off guard. I figured he’d pretend he didn’t see me last night, not be so brazen to bring it up. Then again, it’sTheo.
“Not as much as you,” I scoff.
He cocks an eyebrow. “Jealous?”
“What?” My eyes fly wide.Is he crazy?“No.”
“You sure, kid?” Theo smirks.
The nerve of this guy!
I want to wipe the smirk right off of his face. Instead, I stare down at the ground.
“That would imply that I want anything to do with you, which I don’t,” I grumble, folding my arms and kicking at the dirt.
“Come on,” Theo coaxes, his voice as smooth as silk. “You can’t tell me you’ve never thought about it.”
My eyes fly up to meet his again. “No way.”
I glare at him.
“Trust me, you’re not my type,” I hiss.
Theo cocks his head to the side, his eyebrow arching again. “Oh, Brooke Eastwick has atype? Go on, hit me with it.”
I roll my eyes, kicking at the ground again. “I likeniceguys.”
“I’m not a nice guy?”
I stifle a laugh. “Nice guys don’t get handjobs in public.”