Page 136 of Alpha Theo
Kelly nods, brushing her platinum and pink bob behind her ears and shuffling away to the bar.
We chat amongst ourselves until Kelly reappears a few minutes later with a tray of drinks, distributing them to Gray, Fallon, and Brooke. She knows me well- she went ahead and brought me another beer, too. Then she flits off to wait on other customers while we watch Trent, one of the townies, attempt to karaoke a Creed song. It’s spectacularly awful, and the four of us can’t help but laugh.
“Oh, I forgot to tell you,” Brooke breathes, leaning into me, “Quinn called this afternoon. She’s gonna give the IT unit a try after all.”
“Really?” I gotta admit, I’m surprised. I didn’t think Quinn had any interest in coming to work at the squad complex. Then again, I left home so long ago- I’m not sure I really know what she’s interested in anymore.
Brooke nods excitedly. “Yeah! She’s gonna be great. Her only condition was that she train with the rest of the squad, too… I think she’s more interested in honing her fighting skills than working with IT, honestly.”
“Actually, that’d work out,” Gray interjects, taking a swig of his beer. “We’re starting a reserve squad to expand our ranks, so we’re going to be doing more training over the next month or so.”
The guys and I decided on this at our weekly meeting- to call in the recruits that were cut over the past few years to give them another shot at the squad, if they want it. After training, they won’t live at the complex like the regular squad members, but they’ll be trained and available to fight if they need to be called up as our B squad, and they’ll return to the complex one weekend a month to brush up on their skills.
“Guess who gets to help train them?” Fallon asks, waggling her eyebrows.
Yeah, that was another thing we decided at the meeting- since so many of us alphas are busy with our packs or other duties, we’re relying on some seasoned squad members to take up the task of training the reserve squad. Fallon jumped at the chance to help out, and even though she’s new to the squad, Gray can never say no to her.
“Really?” Brooke beams. “That’s awesome, Fal! Is Vienna coming back? And where do I sign up?”
I shake my head. “Nuh uh. Don’t even think about it.”
“Why not?” Brooke asks teasingly, batting her eyelashes.
I know she’s kidding. She’s never expressed any interest in learning to fight before; she’s just trying to get a rise out of me. And it’s fucking working- the thought of Brooke putting herself in harm’s way has my wolf clawing at my insides, every fiber of my being rioting at the notion. I don’t know how Gray does it with Fallon- the instinct to protect my mate at all costs is so strong.
I just shake my head again and Brooke rolls her eyes, chuckling.
The small crowd in the bar breaks out in applause for the latest karaoke singer, giving me an out from the conversation. I clap my hands, watching as a wiry guy hands the microphone back to the DJ and steps down from the makeshift stage.
“So when are you gonna get up there?” I ask Brooke, tossing a thumb over my shoulder toward the karaoke setup.
“What?!” she laughs, and now it’s her turn to shake her head. “You can’t be serious.”
My lips spread into a grin. “Yeah, why not?”
“I’m not any good,” she sighs, picking up her drink and taking a sip.
“So?” I shrug. “Neither are any of the other people singing tonight.”
Brooke sets her drink back down, pursing her lips. “I’d just embarrass myself.”
“Why do you care so much about what other people think?” I challenge.
She sighs, giving me a little shove. “Why don’tyoudo it, then?”
“You think I won’t?” I arch a brow. “I’ll sing the hell outta some karaoke, kid. Just tell me what you wanna hear.”
Brooke giggles, picking up her drink again. “Surprise me,” she says before taking a long sip.
She doesn’t need to tell me twice. I’m out of my seat a second later, making my way to the DJ to put in a karaoke song. And if Brooke thinks I’m not gonna drag her up there with me, she’s got another thing coming.
I don’t know if it’s because the bar’s pretty dead tonight or because I’m an alpha, but after I tell the DJ my song, he hands me the mic rather than putting me in the queue.
I clear my throat, nodding to the DJ to start, feeling the weight of every eye in the place on me as he starts the song. The title flashes up on the little screen in front of me- ‘Maybe I’m Amazed’ by Paul McCartney. A song I know Brooke loves, because she got all googly-eyed when it played in the Jeep on our way back from Denver.
Admittedly, I’m not a great singer. My voice is too low for this song, so I’ll probably botch it, but I don’t really give a shit. I start in on the first verse, staring right at Brooke as I sing the words. “Maybe I’m amazed at the way you love me all the time, and maybe I’m afraid of the way I love you.”
I swear that every eye in the place flies to her. She must notice it too, because she shifts uncomfortably as I keep singing, only to her. Her eyes widen, and I can see the shimmers of her wolf in them, even from here. I get really into the first chorus, putting on a performance, and it’s totally worth it when Brooke throws her head back and laughs, relaxing a little.