Page 113 of Alpha Theo
We step toward each other, clinking our beers together, drinking them down.
“Then we’ll actually be able to get shit done,” Gray chuckles, stabbing his fingers through his hair. “We’ll be unstoppable.”
I give him a nod, clinking my beer bottle with his again. “Someday, man. Can’t fucking wait.”
“Why are you smiling at your phone like that?”
“Like what?” I tear my eyes from the screen to glance up at my sister, realizing that I’ve got a big, goofy grin still spread across my face.
Fallon sets her hands on her hips, tilting her head. “Spill.”
I laugh, shaking my head. “It’s nothing.”
I re-read Theo’s text messages, the grin returning to my face.
Theo:been thinking about you all day, beautiful
Theo:can’t wait to see you tonight
“Liar,” Fallon smirks, lunging for the phone in my hands.
I giggle, flopping back on her bed and rolling in a ball, protecting my phone close to my chest as she pounces on me, wrestling me for it.
“Let me see!” she laughs. She tickles my ribs and my body jolts, my fingers loosening their grip just enough for Fallon to take my phone from my hands.
“Hey!” I whine. “Give it back!”
My sister pops up on her knees and holds me back with one arm, holding my phone out with the other as I flail to grab it, squinting to read the words on the screen.
“Oooh… he can’twaitto see you tonight,” she teases. “Sexy time!”
I blow a strand of hair out of my face, my cheeks heating in a blush. “Give it back.” I hold out my hand, looking at Fallon sternly.
She laughs, setting my phone on my outstretched palm. “You guys are cute. And seriously, I’m in shock that it’sTheobehind those messages. You tamed the beast, sis.” Fallon waggles her eyebrows teasingly.
“Shut up!” I laugh, giving her a playful shove.
I turn away from her to type a quick text back to Theo.
Brooke:Can’t wait to see you either! Fal and I will meet you guys there around 9.
I fire off the message, locking my phone and tossing it onto the bed beside me.
Since we returned from Denver a few days ago, Theo and I have barely been able to see each other. I’ve been busy with the IT unit, sweeping all of our servers to make sure the hack in Denver didn’t breach anything and shoring up our firewalls to prevent a similar attack. Theo has been busy with the other alphas getting a gameplan together for if and when an attack happens and picking up more night patrols to monitor our borders. Gray gave the go-ahead for expanding the border security system beyond the trial run of the thermal cameras, too, so we’ve been busy procuring more equipment, getting it set up, and linking all of the systems. After such a crazy week, we’ve all earned a Saturday night out at the bar in Goldenleaf, and I can’t wait to let loose- and see my man.
I wonder what it’ll be like when we’re at the bar in front of everyone. Our relationship hasn’t really been tested since we came back from Denver- will he be affectionate like he was while we were there? Will he hold my hand, let everyone know we’re together? Will he ignore the attention he usually receives from other females while he’s there?
Ugh, all of the unknowns are making me so anxious.
“Here,” Fallon clucks, shaking me from my thoughts. She turns from her dresser, tossing something at me.
I catch it before it hits me in the face, untangling the red lace in my hands. “What the heck is this?” I ask, furrowing my brow.
“Lingerie,” she says, chuckling to herself as I keep maneuvering it in my hands, trying to discern the top from the bottom. “It’s a bodysuit.”