Page 98 of Undeniable Love
“Just wanted to say that you played a fantastic game, Jax. You really were outstanding.”
“Thanks. Just wish it had actually helped.”
“You can’t think like that. You weren’t the only guy on the field.”
“I know, but…wishful thinking and all. It would have been a great way to end the season.”
“And your career?”
“What do you mean?”
“Jax, come on. We both know you’ve been thinking about this. We thought for sure when you announced the camp that a retirement announcement wouldn’t be far behind. No one’s rushing you, but I was curious if your heart was set on retiring.”
With a low laugh, he shook his head. “A few months ago, I really thought I was, but after losing Sunday, I feel like I definitely have another year in me. If the Warriors want me.”
Then he held his breath because there was a good chance the coach was going to tell him thank you for his years of playing, but they would be releasing him.
“Jax, if you want to keep playing, you’ll always have a home with the Warriors.” Grinning, he held out his hand for Jax to shake. “Now go and enjoy some R&R, and please thank Lucy for the advice she gave us about our granddaughter and her trouble walking. It worked!”
“I know she’ll be thrilled to hear that, Coach. Thanks. You get some rest too!”
“The wife and I leave for a week in Hawaii on Friday. No TV, no internet, just relaxing. It’s going to be awesome.”
“Sounds like it. Enjoy!”
As he walked out of the stadium, he felt a sense of peace knowing that he’d be back this summer. The camp project had hit a few hiccups because of some zoning issues and a problem with the land quality, so unfortunately, he had no idea when they were going to get moving on that again. All that meant was that he and Lucy were free to do whatever they wanted for a little while.
Even if it meant she wanted to go back to South Creek and get back to work for a little while.
“But Hawaii sounds like fun too…”
He’d run that by her when he got home. Hell, maybe he’d call his brothers and see if they could make it a group trip and the six of them go somewhere. It didn’t have to specifically be Hawaii, just someplace tropical that was all-inclusive.
At home, Lucy was waiting for him. She had lunch on the table and greeted him with a smile. “How’d the meeting go? Did they really make you sit through watching the entire game again?”
“Oh, yeah. It wasn’t any less brutal the third time,” he joked before going over and kissing her. “Coach Floyd asked me if I was going to retire.”
“And? What did you tell him?”
“The truth. I feel like I’ve got another season in me. What do you think?” It wasn’t the first time the subject came up, so he already knew she supported him playing for another season, but he still enjoyed hearing her confirm it.
“I think if you go into it knowing it’s going to be your last, your playing will be on a whole other level. You can go out on your own terms.”
“Let’s hope I can go out as a Super Bowl champion one more time.” Walking over to the kitchen island, he saw a photograph. “Hey, who’s this?”
“That’s Maddie and Knox’s little boy, Liam. Isn’t he sweet?”
“He’s adorable,” Jax agreed. “Wait…what’s he holding?”
“Oh, they’re having another baby and he’s holding the sonogram picture. How freaking cute is that?”
Jax moved so he was standing behind her, wrapping his arms around her. “Totally freaking cute.” Pausing, he said the first thing that popped into his head. “I can’t wait until that’s us.”
Slowly, Lucy tilted her head and looked up at him. “Um…what?”
“Yeah. You, me, babies, all of it. That’s what I see for us.” He picked up the picture. “And I can’t wait to send out little pictures like this and talk about how awesome our kids are and teach them how to play football…”
“They might not want to play football,” she countered.