Page 96 of Undeniable Love
“Hmm…groveling, you say, huh?” She paused for a second. “What were you planning on saying during this grovel?”
“I was going to tell you how sorry I was,” he began solemnly. “I never should have said that we had to hit pause. It was so stupid and completely unnecessary. I really thought I couldn’t have any distractions in order to play the way I needed to. Turns out I was wrong about that.”
“How do you know?”
“Because my brothers were here distracting the hell out of me for the better part of a week, and I played just as good as I always did. Well, better than I had been lately, so…”
This time she was the one to reach up and cup his face. “There was never anything wrong with how you played. You’re far too critical. No one plays every game perfectly. There are too many variables and…” She stopped. “Okay, this isn’t about how you play, Jax. This is about us. I’m here and…I want to go back to that moment where I told you I’d stay. I want to move here for the rest of the season. That hasn’t changed. I packed enough stuff to get me through several weeks and I can go home the next time the team travels and check on things and grab more if I need to.”
“I feel guilty about that, Luce. You’ve got a life! A job! I don’t want you giving that all up for me, even temporarily,” he argued softly.
“Yes, I have all of that, but what about you?”
“Me? What about me?”
“You do so much for everyone—care so much about everyone—and you never let anyone come and take care of you. That’s what I want to do. I told you, I’ve got a lot of vacation time banked and a somewhat decent savings account, so I can take the time off. And before you argue again, you have to know that I feel very strongly about this. You are worth it.”
He swore tears stung his eyes because it didn’t seem possible for him to be this lucky.
“I want to be here to cheer you on because I believe in you and support you no matter what. And it doesn’t matter if you want to move back to South Creek after you retire or someplace like Buford, Wyoming, or Aubrey, Arkansas, or even…Hibberts Gore, Maine!” She giggled. “Just FYI, those are just some of the smallest towns in the country, and yes, even smaller than South Creek. I don’t care where we go, as long as we’re there together, it’s going to be the best place in the world to live.”
“You’ve done your homework, apparently. I can’t help how I feel, Luce. I can’t help feeling bad about you making all the sacrifices in the relationship. I want to be the one to take care of you.”
“And when the season’s over, you will. But for now, let me be the one to take care of you, Jax. Please.” There was nothing but tenderness in her words and expression. The only thing that would have made this moment perfect was if she felt for him what he felt for her.
“There is nothing I want more than for you to stay,” he gruffly replied. “And I want to go back to the moment I told you I love you.” His hands covered hers before he gently pulled them away and kissed her palms. “Maybe someday you’ll feel the same way and love me and I’m okay if that day isn’t right now. I just want to be with you.”
When he went to rest his forehead against hers, she slowly pulled her hands from his.
“Are you seriously not getting this?” she said with a mixture of annoyance and amusement. “I’m here because I love you. I want to stay because I love you. And I’m talking about our future because I love you! How did you not know that?”
“Uh, probably because you never said the words, ‘Jax, I love you!’ Did you think of maybe just saying that?”
They both broke out in a fit of laughter as he maneuvered them on the sofa until she was lying beneath him.
“I love you, Jax. So much.”
“That’s the best thing anyone’s ever said to me,” he murmured against her lips before kissing her. “I love you too. So much.”
Her smile was sweet and sexy and full of promise. “Then how about we take this inside and make up properly? I’ve missed you and it feels like far too long since I’ve seen you naked and felt your hands on me.”
“Sweetheart, we’re all alone here in the house, we can get naked and touch each other wherever we want.”
They both paused and seemed to come up with the same idea at the same time.
“The hot tub!”
Jax scooped her up in his arms and strode across the room, letting her unlock the sliding glass doors. They were laughing as he stumbled out the door and put her on her feet. “I’ll get the cover off; you get it started!” he told her.
And just like that, all was right with his world.
It was late, but he honestly had no idea of the time. All he knew was that it was dark out and they had eaten dinner hours ago after making up for lost time all over the house.
And hot tub.
Now, with Lucy curled up beside him, it was one of those sleepy conversations that he always looked forward to.