Page 47 of Undeniable Love
“I’ve been better. I’m just eager to get home and relax in the quiet. I feel like the last hour or so was just way too chaotic.”
“Oh. So…would you like some company? I could fly in tomorrow and…”
“No!” he said quickly. “That’s nice of you to offer, but…I’m good. Really.”
“Look, maybe this isn’t the best time, but there never seems to be one. I really need to talk to you and your brothers. You see, a couple of years ago, I…”
“Dad, I hate to interrupt, but this definitely isn’t a good time. I’m in pain and I’m actually in a buddy’s truck, so…can this wait?”
There was silence for several long moments. “You’re right. Sure. Sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking. I’ll call and check on you in a couple of days so you can relax a bit. Take care, Jax.”
“Thanks.” He hung up and sighed with relief.
“You okay?”
“Yeah. He wanted to fly here to see me, but I shut that down quick.”
“Good for you.”
He’d shrug but it would hurt too damn much. When the hell was that shot going to kick in? For the rest of the drive, Travis talked about the game and some of his own highlights, and for once Jax was happy to let him brag. It was an excellent distraction because otherwise he’d be freaking out about what the doctors were going to tell him tomorrow.
Maybe I’ll wake up and realize this was all just a shitty dream…
Pulling up to his house, Travis asked, “Are you going to be okay here alone tonight? Do you want me to stay? I don’t mind crashing in one of the guest rooms.”
“I appreciate the offer, but I think I’m just gonna crash and hope someone calls me early tomorrow to get in for the MRI.”
Beside him, his friend nodded. “Text me as soon as you know and I’ll take you.”
Travis walked him into the house and asked him at least another dozen times if he was okay. Then he made him a sandwich and got him some snacks and a drink. If he wasn’t so miserable, he’d find it all amusing. But when he finally convinced him he was fine and Travis walked out the door, Jax almost sagged to the floor with relief. The pain in his shoulder was just a dull ache now and even though there wasn’t anything for him to do, there was no way he was going to be able to sleep.
With a weary sigh, he grabbed his phone and trudged to his bedroom. With any luck, he could stack some pillows up behind him and get comfortable in the bed. Maybe he’d watch some TV to pass the time or possibly call one of his brothers. Or Tyler. Or…someone. As much as he wanted to be alone, there was a part of him that still wanted someone to talk to.
Lucy’s face immediately came to mind, but he pushed it aside. They had their weekend and that was it. It was a fling that had been flung. Calling her would be wildly inappropriate and potentially awkward, so…not Lucy.
Slowly, he kicked his sneakers off and yanked the blankets back with his good arm. He arranged the pillows and by the time he crawled onto the bed, he was exhausted. It took longer than he thought possible to get comfortable, and just when he thought he might fall asleep, his phone rang.
Awkwardly, he swiped the screen and relaxed against the pillows. “Hey, Noah.”
“Hey, I’m just checking on you. I wasn’t watching the game, but Lily saw you trending all over social media. What happened?”
Jax gave him the rundown on everything. “Basically, I won’t know anything definitive until tomorrow. I guess it’s a good thing we’re working on this camp project. This could mean I’m retiring sooner rather than later.”
And yeah, it sounded awful saying that out loud.
“Okay, don’t lose hope yet. This could be something that just requires a few weeks of rest. Don’t get too ahead of yourself,” his brother told him. “Is anyone there with you? I can fly out tomorrow and stay for a few days. You know, go with you to the doctor's appointments.”
Noah was always the one looking out for everyone and right now, just knowing that he was still doing that made Jax feel a bit emotional. Swallowing hard, he shook his head. “I appreciate the offer, but Travis is going to go with me and…I just have to wait and see what they find. But thanks, man. I…I’d hate to make you take time off of work. I know how important your job is to you.”
“Not as important as family,” Noah corrected. “And I’m serious. You just say the word and I’m there.”
There must have been something weird in that shot, because he almost felt like he was going to cry. “I’ll keep you posted.” Pausing, he changed the subject. “How’s Lily? Anything new and exciting with you guys?”
“Lily’s doing great and things are relatively boring here. Do you want me to call Mom and let her know what’s going on? You know she probably won’t see or read anything until tomorrow, but maybe…”
“Dad called me,” he blurted out.