Page 42 of Undeniable Love
Wordlessly, he walked backward into the room, taking her with him. Lucy closed the door, and they moved over to the bed where he peeled her robe off, finding her naked underneath.
His smile was slow and full of heat. “Had I known you didn’t have anything on underneath this, we could have skipped all the small talk.”
“You’re overdressed, Jax,” she told him, giving him a playful shove so he fell back on the bed.
The grin on his face nearly hurt, but as Lucy climbed up and crawled over him, all he could think was how flipping happy he was. Reaching down, he grabbed her ass and pressed her close. There were so many thoughts racing through his mind, but he was afraid to say anything and ruin the moment. For right now, he was satisfied knowing that she wanted him just as much as he wanted her.
Swallowing hard, he looked at her beautiful face. Her lips were glossy and her eyes were dark with desire. One hand smoothed up her back before anchoring in her hair. “Do you have any idea how freaking sexy you are?”
She whispered his name even as she shook her head.
“Or how you had me going crazy all day because of how much I wanted you?”
Her gaze held his and he could tell that he’d surprised her.
“It’s true,” he told her softly. “All I kept thinking about was how one night wasn’t enough, but I wasn’t going to allow myself to try to convince you to be with me again.”
“It wouldn’t have taken much to convince me,” she whispered. “It was all I could think about all day too.”
It was crazy how much that pleased him.
“One more night, Jax, and then it’s back to reality. I’m heading back home and you’ll be here doing your thing.” Her hand rested on his chest. “We need to treat this like Vegas—what happens here…”
“Stays here,” he said solemnly. As much as he knew it was the right thing to do, it still bothered him. And maybe he’d think about it more later.
Much later.
Like…long after Lucy and Ty were gone.
But for now, he was more than content to push that thought aside and focus on this glorious woman in his arms. Rolling over, he tucked Lucy beneath him and grinned down at her. Her eyes went wide, and she was a little breathless.
“Take me, Jax,” she begged, arching her back.
“Sweetheart, that was the plan all along.” And he sealed it with a kiss.
Chapter Seven
“You’ve got this, Anna,” Lucy encouraged. “Ready? And go!”
The obstacle course was set up in the back of the clinic and included places to jump from pillow to pillow, a tunnel to crawl through, and piles of folded mats to climb over. It was all very low-tech, but a lot of her patients benefited from the challenge. Standing back, she watched as five-year-old Anna slowly made her way through the course. Some kids would have raced through the obstacles, but for Anna—who had mild cerebral palsy—it took more time. It didn’t matter to Lucy how long it took, as long as Anna made it to the end.
Which she was just about to.
“You did it!” Lucy said excitedly, walking over and high-fiving the little girl. “I am so proud of you!” Anna had delayed speech, but she smiled a lot. “How about we go pick a prize from the treasure chest and then get some ice on your legs? Would you like that?”
Nodding, Anna slowly made her way to the treasure chest and Lucy stood by and watched her before leading her back over to their table and helping her up. One of her assistants was already waiting with an ice pack and stayed with her while Lucy made notes in the child’s file on her tablet. It was another twenty minutes before she was done and took a few minutes to herself in the break room.
Taking her phone out, she was planning on just scrolling through social media when she noticed an unread text from Gemma.
Gemma: Hey! Are you free tonight?
Sadly, she was.
It had been two weeks since her trip to Wichita and it didn’t matter how many pep talks she’d given herself, she couldn’t stop thinking about her time with Jax.
All her time with Jax.
Most of her inner dialogues started with, “What the hell was I thinking?” but she knew the answer.