Page 37 of Undeniable Love
Leaping from the tub, Jax stormed over to stand in front of her. “You think I’m not trying to forget our connection too? You think I’m not kicking my own ass for thinking about you the way I have all weekend?” Raking a hand through his wet hair, he let out a long breath. “Ty not being here is both a blessing and a curse, but I want you, Lucy. I probably shouldn’t, but I do.”
Her eyes were wide as she looked up at him. “This is going to make things weird for the two of you, isn’t it?” she asked sadly. “Maybe…maybe we shouldn’t. We got caught up in a moment and maybe it’s a good thing that you said what you said. You know, before we did something we might regret.”
This so wasn’t the way he imagined the night going, but if they were going to be brutally honest with each other, then he was going to lay it all out there.
“I would never regret making love with you,” he told her, and it took all his self-control to keep from reaching out and touching her. “Never. I don’t care what anyone else thinks or says; I could never regret anything that was going to happen here tonight.”
Her response was a shaky, “Oh.”
“Lucy, I…”
She took a step back and then another. “It’s for the best,” she said so softly he almost didn’t hear it. “Good night.”
Jax let her make it almost to the door before he said, “Don’t go.” His heart was hammering so hard in his chest, but he knew if he didn’t make things right between them, he’d never forgive himself. “Please.”
That was the word that did it. Lucy paused and hung her head for a moment before facing him.
“I was both nervous and completely psyched about being alone with you tonight,” he told her, his voice low and gruff. “I hate that I screwed this up, and if you give me another chance, I swear I won’t say another word. Just…I don’t want you to go to bed alone.” Boldly, he took a step toward her. “And I don’t want you to sleep in your own bed.” Another step and then another until they were practically toe to toe. “Please.”
The silence was almost deafening and he was about to lose hope when she said, “Damn you, Jax,” before reaching out and dragging his lips to hers and kissing him as if her life depended on it.
Chapter Six
She should have kept walking.
She should have slammed the door in his face.
She should not be kissing him while climbing him like a tree.
Jax reached down and roughly grabbed her rear, lifting her so she could wrap her legs around his waist. The kiss was hot, dirty, and carnal. She didn’t know why there was suddenly this almost crazed attraction between the two of them, but she certainly wasn’t looking to change it.
Not that she ever admitted this to anyone, not even Gemma, but after the way things ended with Blake, Lucy felt like maybe she wasn’t desirable—like maybe she was pretty and attractive, but not the kind of woman who was sexy enough in bed.
At that moment, Jax backed her up against the wall next to the door to his bedroom and rocked against her in the most primal and provocative way. Would it be wrong to demand that he take her now, right here against the wall?
“Jax,” she panted, her hands gripping his hair. “Don’t wait…need you…want you…”
A deep chuckle was the last response she expected, and being that he was sucking on her neck, she felt the vibration all over. “Patience, baby girl,” he murmured. “Patience.”
Groaning because one hand reached up and was currently cupping her breast, Lucy knew patience was not something she was particularly good at. “Then get me somewhere that isn’t vinyl siding against my back,” she demanded softly.
Lifting his head, he gave her a lopsided grin that shouldn’t have been sexy, but it was. “As you wish,” he said. In the blink of an eye, he had the door open and carried her into his room. She hadn’t seen it before and, other than the massive bed, she wasn’t interested in seeing the rest right now. Gently, Jax placed her on the bed before taking a step back and looking at her. “Damn. This is just how I imagined it.”
Swallowing hard, she asked, “Really?”
With a nod, he continued to look at her and she felt his gaze like a caress. “You in my bed in that bikini? Yeah. Just like this.”
One powerful hand came to rest on her ankle and Lucy tried not to squirm. She wasn’t used to anyone watching her so intently and all her insecurities were starting to play loudly in her head. Was he seeing that she wasn’t particularly skinny? Were her curves a turnoff? It had been a while since she’d been to the gym so she wasn’t as toned as she could be…and her tan was seriously faded from her last trip to the beach months ago. Had she known something like this was a possibility, she would have at least gone to a tanning salon and maybe to get waxed. “Um…”
The cocky grin on his face told her he knew exactly what she was thinking. “You’re beautiful, Lucy. Beautiful and sexy and like a damn fantasy.” His hand slowly traveled up her leg with each word until he was dangerously close to the apex of her thighs. “Tell me you want this.”
She nodded. “I do. So much it scares me.”
His expression softened. “Me too.” Letting out a long breath, he carefully made his way onto the bed beside her.