Page 30 of Undeniable Love
All he could do was nod as he watched her pick up a towel and wrap it around herself. Visions of her looking like that after the two of them took a shower together flashed through his mind, followed by how badly he’d love to unwrap her and find her naked underneath.
I am so screwed…
“Good night,” she whispered before walking over to the door that led to her room. With a wave, she stepped inside, closing the door behind her.
“What the fuck am I doing?” he quietly admonished. “This is all kinds of wrong.”
It didn’t matter that he knew it; it didn’t make the images go away. So for a few more minutes, he sat there reciting football plays in his head.
It only mildly helped.
With no other choice, Jax stood and turned off the jets before climbing out of the tub. He dried off almost aggressively before storming over to his own door and going inside. He was nowhere near relaxed—certainly no more than he had been an hour ago. Still, he went through the motions of getting ready for bed.
And when he slid under the sheets and turned out the lights, there wasn’t a doubt in his mind that he’d dream some dirty and vivid dreams of Lucy Dawson.
Chapter Five
“Yes! Yes! Do it! Faster! Come on!”
“Jeez, Luce, take it down a notch,” Ty murmured from beside her in the stadium suite Jax had reserved.
There were eighteen other people in there with them, but it was far from crowded and everyone was cheering loudly. Lucy was standing and watching as the Warriors won in overtime and couldn’t believe how exciting it was to be there in person. Turning, she jumped into her brother’s arms and hugged him. “That was amazing! Holy crap!”
Placing her back on her feet, Tyler high-fived pretty much everyone in the room before Lucy did the same. “See? I told you it would be fun to see a game in person.”
“I had no idea!” she gushed. “So what happens now? Does Jax come up here? Do we go down to the locker room?”
Laughing, her brother shook his head. “No, and no. The team has a meeting after they do their interviews and all that. We probably won’t see Jax until he gets home later tonight.”
“Oh.” It was crazy how disappointed she was. It had been a fantastic weekend and she kind of hated that they were leaving tomorrow. “I’m sure the team’s going to be celebrating this. I mean, this was a great win! Do you think they all go out to dinner or something? Didn’t Jax say something about a restaurant they usually go to and if they won, we were supposed to meet him there?”
Tyler was gathering their things. “Um…”
“Ty, I’m sure he told us about it last night, remember? We were playing pool down in his game room and said if they won, we should go and get a table and tell the hostess we were Warrior guests and show them our tickets or passes or something. It was right before I sank my last shot and he said to go to…oh, what was the name of that place…?”
“Bruno’s,” he said. “It’s Bruno’s, but I think the two of us should just grab something to eat and wait to see Jax when he gets home.”
She eyed him suspiciously. “Why? What’s going on? You’ve gone out with the team before. You’ve told us all the stories whenever you come home. Why can’t we go?”
“Come on, Luce. Let’s just go.” When he reached for her hand, she pulled back.
“No. I want to know why we’re not going.” Then, crossing her arms, she waited him out.
“I just don’t think you need to be hanging out with the damn football team, okay?”
Wildly offended, her eyes went wide. “Are you freaking kidding me right now? Seriously?”
“Look, it’s just…” He huffed with annoyance. “It’s been a little over a month since the whole…you know…Blake thing. And I’m sure by now you’re starting to feel like it’s time to…um…get back on the horse,” he said, dragging out those last few words.
It took all of three seconds for Lucy to get what he was trying so hard not to say.
“Oh my God! Do you think I’m going to go to the restaurant and try to hook up with one of the players?” she asked before snorting with laughter. “Are you insane, Ty?” Her laughter turned slightly maniacal as she shook her head. “First of all, thank you for thinking that any football player would want to hit on me.”
“What’s wrong with you?” Now he sounded defensive. “Why wouldn’t they want to hit on you?”
“Pfft…please. Do you ever see the kind of women pro-athletes date? They’re normally tall, skinny, gorgeous, and look like supermodels.” Pausing, she motioned to herself. “I’m not any of those things, and I’m more than okay with it.”
Rubbing the back of his neck, Tyler looked around as if someone was supposed to help him. “Lucy, all I’m saying is being surrounded by a bunch of guys like Jax’s teammates isn’t the smartest thing right now. Besides, didn’t we have a great time yesterday when we went sightseeing? Just the two of us? Why don’t we go catch a movie or something?”