Page 16 of Undeniable Love
Gemma: They’re having some sort of private party there tonight. The place is practically overflowing. I drove by on my way home.
Gemma: Crisis averted, right?
Yeah, something was definitely up.
But before she could respond to her friend, she got a text from Tyler.
Ty: Hey! You have to come to the pub after work!
Ty: I’ve got a great potential business opportunity for you
Ty: And you have to trust me on this. It could be HUGE!
Frowning, Lucy had no idea who to respond to first, but ultimately, her curiosity got the better of her.
Lucy: What kind of opportunity? And why the pub?
Ty: I don’t want to get into it over a text. Just promise you’ll come here after work
Ty: We’re having dinner here and hopefully celebrating
Ty: So? Will you stop by?
Lucy: I’ve got plans with Gemma. We’re supposed to meet for dinner
Ty: Bring her! The more the merrier!
Okay, this was all a little too weird.
Lucy: Let me see if she’s okay with it.
Ty: Hang on…
It took him almost two solid minutes before he responded
Ty: Fine. Text her. But tell her this is important!
Groaning, she opened her friend’s message again.
Lucy: So…Ty is texting me and invited us to join him at the pub for dinner
Lucy: He said it’s important and there’s some sort of opportunity for me
Lucy: It all sounds a little weird and I told him we were hanging out…
Gemma: I’ll go with you. We were supposed to go there anyway
Gemma: But tell your brother that he’s buying
Gemma: And I’m ridiculously hungry AND thirsty tonight, so he’s been warned.
O-kay…that was weird too.
“Someday, my curiosity really is going to kill me,” she murmured before finishing restocking her area. With only five minutes to go, she walked around helping her coworkers clean up, and before she knew it, it was time to go. She shot both Gemma and Ty a text saying she was leaving work, but the entire drive over, her mind drew a total blank on what this whole dinner thing was about.
When she pulled into the pub’s parking lot, it was almost impossible to find a place to park. She managed to get the last spot in the back next to the dumpster and grumbled about it the entire time. Clearly Gemma wasn’t lying about the crowd, but she wondered if that crowd also had anything to do with her brother and whatever opportunity he had for her.
“Oh, yay! You’re here!” her friend said as she jogged across the parking lot toward her. After giving Lucy a big hug, she pulled back and smiled. “Just a heads-up, Mike’s here too. He’s inside already.”