Page 82 of Indescribable Love
“I love you,” she said, a little in awe, but her words had a transforming effect on him, because his sexy grin turned sweet.
“I love you too, my sweet Juliette.”
After that, there was no talking—not really. But they said it all in a million little touches, whispers, and breaths. And it was a glorious way to start any day.
The filming ended, the tour was on a break, and they were currently sitting in the dining room of Noah and Lily’s new home, drinking wine, and laughing hysterically.
Mostly at him.
“Wait, wait, wait…” Noah said between fits of laughter. “You did what?”
Simon shook his head. “My Italian’s clearly not as good as I thought it was! I didn’t mean to say…you know…”
“That my breasts were beautiful?” Juliette finished for him before laughing again. “The look on my Nana’s face was priceless! My grandfather dropped his glass of wine while adorably cursing Simon out in Italian…it was pure chaos!”
“So…what was he trying to say?” Lily asked, wiping away tears.
“I tried to say your granddaughter is beautiful,” Simon explained.
“Which would have been tua nipote è bellissima,” Juliette supplied. “But…”
“But what I actually said, because I was nervous,” he quickly clarified, “was il seno di tua nipote è bellissimo. And we all know it’s wrong!”
“It was sweet that you tried,” she cooed, patting his hand, but he still couldn’t believe he’d screwed up such an important meeting. “By the end of the night, no one even remembered.”
“I remembered…”
“And they loved you.”
He shrugged.
“Maybe just stick to English next time,” Noah said with a smirk. “First meetings are not when you try some new tricks.”
“Oh, stop,” Lily said. “I think it was sweet! And it will be something you can look back on and know you can only do better the next time.” She stood. “Can I get anyone more wine?”
“None for me,” Juliette said before yawning.
“None for me either, but thanks.” Pausing, he looked around the beautifully decorated room. “The house is magnificent, you guys. Like…I’m really impressed.”
“Thank you,” Lily beamed. “We know it’s a lot more space than we need, but we plan to grow into it.” Reaching over, she squeezed Noah’s hand. “Plus, it’s nice that we have space for when you guys or your mom or Jax come to visit. Obviously, I come from a big family, so I love having space for everyone.”
“Speaking of Mom and Jax, what time are they getting in tomorrow?”
“They’ll be here in time for dinner,” Noah replied. “We love that you could come early so we could have a quiet night with just the four of us. Jax brings a level of…you know…”
“He’s a lot,” Lily said with a giggle. “I love him, but he tends to dominate every conversation! So this is definitely a treat. Plus, it gives us time to get to know you, Jules!”
Yeah, Simon was thankful for that too. As much as he knew Juliette could handle her own in any social situation, he wanted her to be comfortable around his family without it being overwhelming.
“Thanks,” she said and then laughed softly. “Sorry, I’m just sitting here thinking how weird it is that I’m just sitting here with one of the biggest rock stars in the world, and tomorrow one of the biggest names in football will be joining us, and it’s all just…normal! Like…people believe when you’re a celebrity that normal is always being in the spotlight and that they don’t just hang out at home.” She laughed again. “I don’t know why that just hit me, but it did.”
“Oh, I know exactly what you mean,” Lily assured her. “The first time I met Simon was after one of his concerts. I was so nervous, and…”
“You were not,” Noah interrupted with a laugh. “You were all excited because I had just proposed to you in front of sixty thousand people, and you were running around backstage showing everyone your ring.”
She looked over at Juliette with a big smile. “Okay, so yeah. That night maybe I wasn’t nervous. Most of it was a blur. But the next day…that’s when I got nervous.”
Glancing over at Simon, Noah shook his head and mouthed, “She wasn’t.”