Page 80 of Indescribable Love
“I think that would be lovely,” she assured him. “Because if you were going to use it in your show now, I was going to suggest it be the encore. It’s just that good that it deserves to be the last thing your fans hear before they go.”
That pleased him more than she would ever know.
Then they ate their lunch while talking and laughing, and then they made love fast and furiously before they had to get back to the real world. It gave Simon so much hope for what was still to come.
Chapter Fifteen
The tour rolled on and for the better part of three weeks, life was busy. Before going to work with Simon, Juliette enjoyed working remotely from her apartment and only traveling when absolutely necessary. Now, she was settling into life on the road, and it wasn’t nearly as bad as she thought it would be—mainly because of the five-star hotels, room service, and all the perks that went with traveling with a world-famous celebrity.
This morning, they were going to do a promotional event at a local radio station in Dallas. They were normally up early, but Juliette had woken up before Simon this morning and decided to go down to the coffee shop on the main floor of the hotel.
The coffee shop was cozy and filled with the gentle hum of chatter and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. As much as she loved early morning coffee in bed with Simon, sometimes she missed going out and people watching while she sipped her morning beverage. Thanking the barista, she took her coffee and sat at a small table near the window, tapping her fingers on the wooden surface and wondering if she should sit here or go back upstairs, or if this was all a mistake and she should have just stayed in bed.
“Ugh…it is way too early for my brain to be thinking this much,” she murmured into her cup. There were the interviews later, rehearsals, another interview at the arena, and then a late dinner with some people from Simon’s record label. It was going to be a long day and she had a feeling this was going to be her first of many cups of coffee today.
Still, life was good. She was coming to realize that she was calmer, happier, and definitely more at peace than she’d ever been. Their schedules were hectic and the daily grind of being on tour was very different from anything she’d ever done with her previous clients, but she was enjoying it and learning so many new things. Nikki had felt anxious about being away from home so much, so Juliette had suggested that she take some time to be with her family. Things had been running so smoothly that Juliette felt she could certainly help with any of the tasks his assistant did for him.
And if she really messed them up, Nikki was only a phone call away.
Plus, taking on a few extra responsibilities filled the gaps when she was sitting around, simply watching Simon do his thing—not that it was a hardship watching him. Hell, she could sit and look at him all day and not be bored. But when she caught herself sighing dreamily and doodling their names, she knew she needed to find a more productive way to spend her time.
Still, she couldn’t help but wonder what came next, once the tour was over and Simon was spending time in the studio recording the next album. Where was she going to be? Was she going back to New York? Should she sell her apartment or sublet it? Her grandparents—God love them—were all still alive and she was always going to want to spend some of her free time being close to them. As great as things were between her and Simon, they hadn’t really talked about the future and where they saw themselves living or…anything.
That should have panicked her because she loved a good schedule, a plan, charts, graphs, anything and everything that she could look at to know what was coming so there were no surprises. This whole going with the flow thing was unfamiliar territory for her. Granted, the tour was all scheduled and mapped out, so that made her happy. But the tour wasn’t going to last forever.
Where do I want to live?
Where do I see us going?
Is Simon going to want the same things?
Inwardly, she groaned because again, it was far too early for her brain to be putting in this kind of effort. She was so lost in thought that she didn’t notice Simon sliding into the seat across from her. Gasping softly, she glanced around, suddenly worried about who was going to recognize him and perhaps bother him. But he looked completely at ease as he stirred his latte, looking at her with a hint of a smile.
“I never pegged you for the sneaking out sort,” he teased.
“Sneak is a strong word. Respectful was what I was going for. You were sleeping peacefully, and I had the urge to sit in a coffee shop and people watch.”
There were three people total sitting in the surrounding tables.
“Has all the magic gone from our relationship already that you find this more exciting than staying in bed with me?”
And yeah, she knew he was still teasing, but she also knew how much he loved having her there. Though they never talked about it, there were small signs that told her how much he hated being alone. The solitary life never really bothered her, but now that they were always surrounded by people, she sometimes longed for it.
“The magic is alive and well and you know it,” she told him. “There’s a coffee shop on the corner by my apartment that I used to go down to every morning. Sometimes I even went back in the afternoons and worked there because it just had a great vibe to it.” She shrugged. “I miss it sometimes.”
“I get it, and you know I’m just joking. You can go wherever you want, whenever you want. I’m not that guy who expects you to be at my side every second of the day.”
And he wasn’t. If anything, they might be in the same location most days, but the bulk of their time wasn’t spent together. It made coming together at the end of the day so much more rewarding because they had so much to talk about. Whether it was something exciting or mundane, she was loving having those conversations as they got ready for bed.
“You still haven’t told me where you want to go next week after filming wraps,” she reminded him. “I’d like to stop in New York at my place and check on things and maybe refresh my wardrobe.”
“We can do that,” he easily agreed.
Now came something she’d never asked of any other man. With a fortifying breath, she blurted out, “And I’d like you to come to dinner with my grandparents.”
Simon’s eyes went almost comically wide. “Really? You want to introduce me to your grandparents?”
She nodded, unsure if he was excited or horrified.