Page 57 of Indescribable Love
Still, having Simon busy rehearsing was the perfect excuse for her to slip away and have a couple of hours to herself to just wrap her head around where her life was currently at.
There was no one she wanted to call, no one she could really talk to about how she was feeling. The reality was that she was falling hard for Simon, and it scared the hell out of her. He was like a literal breath of fresh air, and she hadn’t realized just how long it had been since she’d breathed freely. His love of life and positive energy were infectious, and even though she knew she’d never be the kind of person who saw the silver lining to everything, she had to admit that she was enjoying seeing some new perspectives in her everyday life.
She woke up happier. Her conversations were lighter. The mundane stuff that she had to do for her job didn’t seem quite so…mundane. Vanessa’s risk of sending her to Simon had been life-changing, and it also had her re-evaluating what she wanted moving forward.
Simon. I want Simon…
That was a given. Unfortunately, she wasn’t so sure she was right for him.
Sure, they were fine right now. Everything was new and wonderful and some of that was from the sex goggles. After all, when you’re having fantastic sex multiple times a day, it was hard not to be happy. But once that part of their relationship calmed down—like it was going to while he was on tour—then what? When she had to be in serious publicist mode daily and argue with the film crew or squash random stories about him in the press, would they still be looking at each other like they had been? Would the sex fog continue to carry them through?
She didn’t know.
Plus, would she revert back to her old self and be too jaded and rigid and negative for him? Would he grow tired of constantly trying to show her the bright side of things?
Her pessimistic side, the side that was pretty much her dominant side, said yes, he’d definitely grow tired of it and leave her. But there was a new tiny voice emerging. It was quiet and small, but it was desperately trying to tell her to have faith—that she was enough and she didn’t have to change everything about herself in order to be loved.
Oh, man…wasn’t it too soon to be thinking about love? But with someone like Simon, it just…fit. He was so amazing, so incredible, that any woman would be crazy if she didn’t fall for him.
That thought then had her spiraling because she felt then like she was just one of the masses. Was she just like all those fangirls? Was she falling for him because he was Simon Bennett, rock star?
Okay, rock star was a bit of an exaggeration. Simon was more on the pop side of things—a little Ed Sheeran, Justin Timberlake, and Adam Levine all mixed together.
And utterly delicious.
The gentle bite on her neck brought Juliette out of her reverie.
Softly, she raked her hands through his hair. She loved moments like this, seeing him in such sexy disarray. It was a good look on him.
“This is a great way to start the day,” she told him, running a hand along his stubbled jaw. “What time do you need to leave the hotel today?”
“We’ve got another sound check this morning,” he said, resting his forehead against hers. “The car is picking me up at ten.” Lifting his head, he glanced over at the bedside clock. “Two hours. That means…”
Juliette gave him a playful shove. “That means you need to get up and have something to eat and shower and get ready. We didn’t get a whole lot of sleep last night, so…”
“I wanted to surprise you,” he said with a small pout.
“And you did. Although Nikki had me believing there was some sort of PR emergency.”
Now he grinned. “But wasn’t walking into a candlelit dinner so much better than a work thing?”
“It was, and I believe I thanked you for that. Repeatedly.”
And she had.
In some of the naughtiest of ways.
After they ate.
She wasn’t crazy enough to let a dinner like that go cold!
Giving Simon another little shove, he rolled off of her, his arm flinging over his face as he often did. “Why don’t you go grab a shower and I’ll order breakfast?” She sat up and tossed off the blankets. “I’m thinking omelets this morning. What about you?”
Reaching out, he grabbed her arm and tugged her back towards him. “Omelets sound good, but how about we place the order and then we both grab a shower? Together.” He waggled his eyebrows at her, and it was hard not to laugh.
“Fine. But we’ll have to be quick. You’re a VIP guest, so they’re not going to make you wait.”