Page 40 of Indescribable Love
“Hey, what’s going on?” Simon asked when he walked in.
“Dinner. Juliette wants steak. What about you?”
The whole thing took five minutes and Nikki was on the phone finessing her way through the ordering process and arranging delivery for seven o’clock. Smiling, she hung up the phone.
“Now that was impressive,” Juliette told her.
“Money’s an excellent incentive,” she said. “You’ll have to let me know how it is, but we want to get on the road and hopefully get home before it’s too dark.”
They all hugged again before she and Simon walked back to the main house. It was only a little after four, which meant…
“We have almost three hours to kill,” she said as soon as they were through the door. “What can we possibly do with all that time?” And yeah, she felt a little silly saying it, but she knew what she wanted his answer to be.
Gently tugging her into his arms, they were toe-to-toe, nose-to-nose. “Be very sure, Juliette,” he said gruffly. “We can wait to be sure that Nikki and Celia are gone, or we can go to my room right now, lock the door, and do what we both want.”
Her knees went weak even as indecision warred within her. Go inside now? It would be so easy. But what if…?
“We said our goodbyes. Twice,” she said, letting out a shaky breath. There was no turning back after this. Once she and Simon made love, everything was going to change. It was possibly career suicide, but…she couldn’t fight this. And it wasn’t as if he had been actively pursuing her or even trying to seduce her. There was simply something between them she couldn’t ignore, no matter how hard she tried.
And in the beginning, she really had.
Beginning? Pfft…that was a week ago…
Okay, there was that, but still. She knew it wouldn’t matter because they were eventually going to be exactly where they were right now.
His hand caressed her jaw, her throat, as he leaned forward and whispered in her ear, “Come to bed with me, Juliette. Let me make love to you.”
Now she was practically in a puddle at his feet.
“Yes, please,” she said quietly.
There was no swooping up in his arms or a mad dash out of the room, they simply walked hand-in-hand to his room. Once they crossed the threshold, Simon shut the door and locked it.
Juliette walked across the room and stopped beside the bed. She watched as Simon slowly made his way toward her. Her throat felt dry and her heart raced, but she couldn’t take her eyes off of him. The man oozed sex appeal and she’d seen videos of him performing, but the man in front of her now wasn’t the rock star or pop star. He wasn’t doing a swagger for an audience. Right now, he was just a man who was seemingly comfortable in his own skin and knew what he wanted.
That was a pretty heady thing to come to grips with. Juliette never saw herself as the kind of woman who could attract someone like Simon. He was a universal sex symbol and she was just…Juliette. Badass publicist Juliette. But the way he looked at her made her feel like the sexiest and most desirable woman in the world.
“You’re so beautiful,” he murmured, caressing her face again. His hand skimmed lower until he cupped her breast. “Do you have any idea how you’ve challenged my self-control this week? Every night I wanted to shut off that damn TV, peel those little pajamas off of you, and kiss every inch, every delectable curve of your body.”
“I really wish you would have,” she admitted, running her hands over his chest, shoulders, and biceps. “The penguins were cute and all, but…”
“I had to find the least sexy thing possible to watch to try to kill the mood,” he said with a small laugh. “No TV today, though. When I get you into my bed, Juliette, you will have my full attention for as long as you want it, wherever you want it.”
The moan was out before she could even try to stop it, and it was all the incentive Simon needed to close the distance between them and kiss her. It was deep and wet and utterly carnal. No man had ever kissed her like this and it was bordering on overwhelming, but she grasped the front of his shirt and held on.
Gently, he guided her down onto the mattress and covered her body with his. The sundress she was wearing was slightly modest—it was the perfect combination of business casual and comfort for their video call—and right now, it allowed her to wrap herself around him with very little between them.
Lifting his head, Simon smiled down at her. “Have I mentioned how much I love these dresses you wear?” he asked as his hand smoothed up the side of her leg before coming to rest on her thigh. “I’ve been dying to know what you wear under them. You’re always fully covered when we crawl into bed each night.”
Slowly, Juliette put some space between them before inching her dress up to expose the white lace thong she was wearing.
“Damn, Juliette,” he said, his voice deep and a little breathless. “If I had even the slightest clue you were wearing this sort of thing under your pajamas, the penguins would have gotten the axe days ago.”
She giggled and almost cringed. She wasn’t the giggling sort.
His hand reverently touched the lace covering her. “You really are trying to kill me.”