Page 2 of Indescribable Love
“He grabbed by boobs twice that night and tried to kiss me! He’s lucky I didn’t shove him in front of a moving vehicle!”
Vanessa frowned. “And Karla? Are you going to even try to defend yourself?”
“Because we have the video where you can clearly be heard talking about how she’s a phony. She wasn’t amused.”
“She is a phony! That entire magazine article was nothing but a sham! Those weren’t her dogs, that wasn’t her kitchen, she doesn’t cook, and that wasn’t even her baby! She hired a baby because hers—and I’m quoting Karla herself—wasn’t in her cute stage yet! I mean, who says that about their own baby?”
“She’s allowed to because she’s the mom! You can think whatever you want as the publicist or whatever, but you never bad-mouth a client when the press is around!” With a huff of annoyance, she went on. “You are seriously the most brilliant and clueless publicist we have! But you are also the most negative.” She fell back against the chair again. “I don’t know what to do with you, Jules! I honestly planned on firing you today.”
As much as she wanted to argue—or beg—she wouldn’t. Juliette hated people who didn’t take responsibility for their actions or who always had excuses. She refused to be like that.
“If that’s what you need to do, then…I’ll accept it,” she said quietly.
“I don’t want to do this,” Vanessa said after a moment. “I’m just not sure what else I can do. Roxie’s demanding that I fire you.”
“Roxie’s a spoiled diva who should be in rehab.”
Luckily, Vanessa smirked. “The only reason I’m not correcting you is because there’s no press here, but that’s the exact thing you need to control, Jules.”
“I don’t make a habit of saying stuff like that out loud and you know it.”
“Not with your words, but your face speaks volumes. Trust me.”
Letting out a long breath, she felt like she had to defend herself at least a little. “Look, this is who I am, Van. I openly admit to being pessimistic. I have worked very hard to overcome some really shitty circumstances, and having to kiss spoiled and pampered people’s asses for a living is hard. They don’t appreciate anything and sometimes…” Another sigh. “Sometimes it gets the better of me. I’m sorry.”
For a solid minute, neither spoke and Juliette figured it was the dramatic pause before Vanessa gave her a few perfunctory compliments and then apologized that she had to let her go. So she sat there and braced herself for it. She had a good savings built up and she would realistically be okay for about three months. Unfortunately, her reputation was going to be tarnished in the entertainment world, so she was going to have to consider a different field.
Or at least a different clientele.
“I really should be sending your paperwork to human resources and asking you to clean out your desk…”
She didn’t have a desk there; she worked from home. But she understood it was a metaphorical desk and nodded.
“But I’m willing to give you one more chance.”
Juliette looked at her in total confusion. “Seriously?”
Nodding solemnly, Vanessa explained as she picked up a folder. “This client is possibly the nicest person in the entire entertainment industry. He’s the poster boy for good behavior and being a great guy.”
Ugh…she’d believe that when she saw it.
“I never wanted you to work with him because you’re too jaded, and I was always worried that your head would completely explode if you had to be around him for too long. He’s that upbeat and cheerful.”
“O-kay…then why now? If you’re looking for me to dig myself a hole too deep to get out of, then I’ll have to say thanks, but no thanks. I’d rather you fire me now than be the person who damages some little ray of sunshine’s reputation.”
Vanessa groaned. “Seriously, why are you like this? I’m offering you a chance at redemption, Jules. This is a lifeline, and I strongly suggest you take a good long look at yourself and take it.”
“Take the next week to get your head on straight and perhaps pull it out of your ass. This is your last chance. Prestige can’t afford to cover for you and your attitude anymore.”
“We’ve known each other far too long for me to have to sugarcoat this for you. Stop being a downer, a brat, and…for lack of a better word, a bitch. Find something to be happy about. Put on your big girl panties, put a smile on your face, and play nice with the client.”
“Fine. Who is it and what does it entail?”