Page 11 of Indescribable Love
“I get that, but while we’re here or when it’s just us and Nikki around, I don’t want you to feel like you can’t be yourself. That would be exhausting.”
“Let’s just take things one day at a time, okay?” she reasoned. “I feel like we’re already doing a good job of playing the getting to know you game.”
“I don’t really consider it a game,” he argued lightly. “It’s important if we’re going to be spending a lot of time together to genuinely know and understand each other.
She didn’t look fully convinced, but he wasn’t deterred.
They had a few weeks before the tour started back up, and he had a feeling this time in the mountains was about to get a whole lot more interesting.
Chapter Three
It was the peace and quiet that essentially woke her up the next morning.
Back home, there was always noise in the background. She slept with a fan on most nights to block some of it out, but it was almost impossible to cancel out all of it. Sure, she could sleep with earplugs or noise-canceling headphones, but that seemed excessive. Plus, she hated having anything in or over her ears while she slept.
But out here in the mountains, there was no noise.
It was slightly unnerving.
Reaching over to the bedside table, Juliette picked up her phone and groaned when she saw it was only a little after six. Seven was her usual wake up time, but even then, she tended to doze off multiple times before getting out of the bed. That wasn’t an option today. The room was bright—no room-darkening curtains—and it felt wrong to sleep in when they were supposed to officially start working today.
Last night, Nikki and her family had joined them for dinner, and it was an incredibly pleasant evening. Simon insisted that they not talk about work and that it just be a dinner with friends.
His considerate behavior was already getting on her nerves.
She was here to do a job and it was hard to do it when he was constantly making it feel like they were on a family vacation.
With all the talking they did last night, she learned that Simon was an early riser and always started his day with a jog or a long walk. He loved breakfast food and apparently made the best omelets. He also particularly enjoyed rainy days because he loved writing music to the sound of the rain falling.
“This can’t be real,” she murmured. “No one is really like this. It has to be an act. But…why?”
Unfortunately, it made her wonder about what his life was like growing up and if all of this had anything to do with his father. It was the one thing he didn’t want to talk about, but she had a feeling if she pushed, he’d tell her.
And for some stupid reason, she really wanted to push.
“It would make my job so much easier if I knew exactly why the topic was off-limits for the documentary, but…do I really want to make him talk about it?”
Sadly, she did.
That wasn’t an option though—at least not yet—but it did give her an idea.
Sitting up, she looked around the massive room and spotted the bag with her laptop in it. Getting up, she used the bathroom and brushed her teeth before scooping up the computer and climbing back into bed. Vanessa had given her a very thorough file on Simon that detailed his entire career and only mildly touched on his family. Maybe the key wasn’t to doing a Google search on Simon, but maybe on Jax.
A twinge of guilt hit her, but she quickly reminded herself she was simply doing her job and making sure she found anything before the directors did and put Simon in an awkward position.
“Okay, Jax Wylder. Let’s see what you’ve got,” she murmured as she typed in “Jax Wylder childhood,” and then promptly held her breath.
Several pictures popped up of Jax playing peewee football and then more as he got older. Juliette studied them and clicked on one where it looks like he was standing with his parents. There was no information, just a simple caption saying he was posing with his parents after scoring the winning touchdown in the state championship.
So maybe this was…good? Even though she continued to search, there was never any mention of Mr. Wylder. Not one to be deterred, she looked up Simon’s older brother Noah. He apparently was a big shot in the world of finance and was marrying an heiress. She found an article on how Noah proposed to Lily Montgomery at one of Simon’s concerts. There was a video of the whole thing and she couldn’t help but click on it. Simon was on stage talking to the crowd and there was so much screaming coming from the audience, but it didn’t seem to bother him.
“Family is important,” Simon went on. “My brothers and I are very close, but we’re all very different. I sing, Jax throws a ball, and Noah’s the numbers guy.” Pausing, he chuckled. “And we’re all lucky to have him because he manages all my numbers and makes sure I’m being responsible!”
More cheering and laughter.
“Noah’s the rock of our family. He stepped up when our dad took off and he’s the most selfless guy I know. He rarely asks anyone for anything, so when he does? I take that very seriously.” He smiled down at where his brother was seated and gave a curt nod. “So tonight, my big brother asked me for one thing…it was a rather large request…but I’m happy to do it. You ready, Noah?”