Page 80 of Indecent Villain
"Do you know Wrath?" I move my eyes back to the big man beside me. He's tall and doesn’t have an ounce of fat. He also doesn't have the same bulk as Prez, but I have no doubt the man is dangerous.
"We know each other," Tiberius says.
"Hmm, so, did you have a nickname when you were a prospect?" I grin.
Wrath bursts out laughing. "Oh, he had one." He smirks. "It was unique." The man lights up a cigarette and takes a long drag.
I place my hand over the one Tiberius has on my knee and raise a brow. "Are you going to tell me?" Is he blushing? My grin widens. "Oh, this is going to be good."
A black cat suddenly lands in my lap, scaring the shit out of me.
"Ah! Where the fuck did he come from?"
"The roof," Wrath tells me.
"Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow."
Wrath takes my empty drink from me, leaving me free to stroke the now-purring cat. It settles onto its side along my closed thighs and falls asleep while I continue to pet it.
"Devil is soft as shit. We need a dog," Wrath comments.
I glare at him. "A dog would eat this cute cat. Don't you dare."
He snickers. "A murderous soul with a soft heart. No wonder Prez helped that asshole rescue you." He glances at Tiberius.
"Hang on." I narrow my eyes at Tiberius. "You were about to tell me your nickname."
He groans. "Mafia."
I laugh. "Mafia? That was your nickname? Seriously? What idiot gave you that?"
Wrath hoots with laughter as Padre joins us and says, "The idiot was me."
"Oops." I keep my mouth shut because Padre looks more like the reaper of death than a saintly man—that is, until a smile spreads across his beautiful face.
"Becks and Wilder used to pretend to be dueling mafia dons. Considering Beck's family, it was an apt nickname." He walks away, and Wrath joins him.
Tiberius moves the chair beside mine closer and sits down. He takes my hand and intertwines our fingers. "Are you happy, Kinsley?"
I relax into the chair and turn my face so I can look into his eyes. He is so open and breathtaking to me. "If I were any happier, I think I might burst." I pause. "I love you, which is the most important thing. I also like being included in this time with your friends. They've all been nice and welcoming. Wrath even told me his real name."
"He told you what?" Tiberius stutters. "I've known that fucker for fourteen years, and he’s never told me his name."
"Did you ask?” When he frowns, I add, "I didn't think so. Men don't always ask the right questions." I snicker. "It's a woman thing."
He laughs. "You mean, it's a nosy thing."
Becoming serious, I ask, "Are you happy, Tiberius? With me? With how things turned out?"
"I didn't think I could be this happy. Never thought I deserved it. But now, I don't give a shit as to whether or not I deserve happiness because I love you. I want to marry you. I want to put my babies inside you."
I can't help the way my eyes darken at his words. "I think you should take me home so we can practice you putting a baby inside me."
He growls and quickly has me in his arms, carrying me over his shoulder toward his bike. Setting me down on the small seat, he says, "Lesson number two—I'm going to fuck you on my bike."
My pussy throbs.