Page 42 of Indecent Villain
"Mmm,"I murmur as Tiberius wraps an arm around my midsection and embraces me from behind.
He buries his nose into the nape of my neck. The warmth of his body against mine sends a shiver down my spine, and I press into his touch, feeling safe and content in his arms. The gentle rhythm of his breathing lulls me into a peaceful state, and I close my eyes, savoring the moment. They quickly snap open when I realize he's in my bed. With me. My heart thuds heavily against my breastbone.
"Tiberius," I mumble, trying to turn to face him.
His hold tightens. "Go back to sleep, sweetheart."
"I don't want to."
He chuckles. "I haven't slept yet, and you wiggling around has your ass massaging my cock, which is preventing me from sleeping."
"I think you're obsessed with that part of your anatomy." I give him a sleepy smile even though he can't see me.
He leans in closer, his warm breath tickling my ear. "Maybe I am, but I'm even more obsessed with you."
My heart flutters at his words, and I let myself relax back into his embrace.
Ten minutes later, I'm wide awake, and Tiberius is asleep. Before he can object, I quickly turn in his arms and find his eyes wide open and on me.
His lips twitch. "You are trying to kill me, aren’t you?" He rolls onto his back and pulls me onto him, his hands running down my sides as my legs drop to either side of his hips. "I can't get enough of you," he whispers, his gaze intense.
My breath catches as I lose myself in his eyes, feeling a rush of desire wash over me. He positions me so that the tip of his cock nudges between my legs, and I squirm as his large hands grip my bottom. I curse myself for sleeping in panties.
"Stay still," he growls.
"It feels good." I place my hands on his chest and rest my chin there while I search his face. I frown when I notice his cheek. I gently touch his face and turn his head slightly. "What happened?"
"It's nothing." He winces as I narrow my eyes. "A friend found the missing weapons. Salem and I went and retrieved them. As we dropped them off at the warehouse, men ambushed us. A stray bullet grazed my cheek. It will heal."
A surge of anger and fear courses through me at the thought of him being hurt. "You should have told me about the guns," I whisper, my voice barely audible.
He brushes his thumb against my cheek, a soft smile on his lips. "After last time, I didn't want you anywhere near the warehouse. I'm fine, really."
"I know I'm young and inexperienced, especially when it comes to the family business, but I don't like being kept in the dark. My parents did that, and now I'm finding out that everything was a lie. I don't want that from you. I won't accept it."
He searches my gaze, cups my face, and plants a sweet kiss on my lips. "I promise not to keep stuff from you in the future. However, you have to promise me that if I tell you I want you to stay home and be safe, you will."
I huff. "If I have to."
His mouth splits into a grin. "Okay, sweetheart, I need a few hours of sleep. Stay in my arms."
"I can't go back to sleep with your cock pressed where it is." I wiggle my hips, and we both gasp as pleasure shoots through us.
Rearranging us once again, Tiberius gathers me close and sleeps. I join him.
When I wakeup the second time, Tiberius is gone. If it weren’t for the imprint of his head in the pillow beside me, I’d think I had imagined it. I slept like a log wrapped around him. I’m sad he left before I could see him.
In the light of morning, I wanted to ask him what he hadn’t told me about the visit with Rossi and Edge. I sense he’s holding something back. Even Salem and Jock are holding their tongues. It is frustrating. I haven’t bothered asking the new man, Nine. He’s too scary to approach. He reminds me of one of the brothers in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series of books—one of my favorites to read. He watches me like a hawk, and it’s making me uncomfortable in my own home.
Oh well. I sigh as I pull on a sweatshirt before heading down to the kitchen.
Inside, I spot Marie on the phone at the back door. I must startle her because she drops her phone.
I rush over. “I’m sorry. It’s not broken, is it?”