Page 17 of Indecent Villain
The man rubs at his wrists and glares at Edgar. “I’m really hoping he doesn’t find out.”
I look at him, wondering if he’s an idiot. His brother will find out, not from me, but someone will have seen Xavier around here.
“What did you want to talk about?”
“You have a snitch in your house,” Xavier states. “You need to be careful.”
I indicate for him to take a seat. “Why are you telling me this?” I ask as I join him.
“You are more than aware that I don’t like what my brother and sister have become. I’m stuck in that family. No one gives a shit about what I want. I don’t trust Cannon not to put a hit out on me if I walk away.”
“Cannon shot out the tires on my SUV tonight,” I share. “I know he’s coming for me, but tonight was…out of character, even for him.”
“He’s been listening to Cleo.” He winces. “My sister is worse than he is.” Xavier shoves his fingers through his hair. “The snitch in your midst is someone in the kitchen. I don’t know anything other than that.”
“Green. Martha Green. I fired her yesterday.”
I catch a look on Salem’s face but decide to table it until our guest has left.
“How is she?” Xavier suddenly asks, holding my gaze. “I know Kinsley is my sister. I figured you knew that already. It’s why Cannon has such a hard-on for your family. He wants revenge because your brother and his wife fucked our mother over. He’s not going to stop, Beckett.”
“Kinsley is mine to look after. He won’t get to her.”
“He won’t stop until he succeeds. You know that.”
“I’d have to be dead for him to get to her.”
He watches me closely, and a slight smile edges his mouth. “I get it.” He sighs. “If I have warning that he’s planning something, I’ll try to get word to you. I can’t promise anything other than I will try fucking hard to warn you. She’s my sister. We don’t get a say in who our parents are. None of this is her fault. I’d like to meet her one day.”
Fucking hell! If I’m reading him correctly, Xavier Edge is sincere.
“You need to leave. Where’s your car?”
He winces. “In a ditch about a twenty-minute walk from here.”
Edgar grunts. “I know where it is. I’ll take the SUV and haul it out.”
“Go with Edgar.”
Xavier nods. “I’ll be in touch.”
I wait until they are outside before I turn to Salem. “Thoughts?” I ask him.
My friend slumps into a chair opposite, a loud sigh on his tongue. “I didn’t sense a lie. But you can’t trust him. For all we know, Cannon sent him, knowing you’d be tied up with the cops for a while—or at least hoping that would be the case.”
“Do you think that Green woman was the snitch he mentioned?”
“Well, I can’t honestly see it being Marie. Doesn’t mean it isn’t.”
I squeeze the bridge of my nose to release the pressure from the last couple of hours. “Spread word to keep an eye on the girl. Also, contact Ryan and ask him to find out the full skinny on Martha Green.”
“Will do.”
There is a part of me that hopes Kinsley is still awake as I head toward the house. The other part hopes she’s asleep so that I don’t cross the line with the girl.
I’m the indecent villain in this story.