Page 16 of Dario
I set my coffee on the table, gently brush her hair away from her face, and lean in to kiss the trail of her tears. "It's okay, sweetheart."
"What can we do, Dario?" Willow asks.
I plant a kiss on Gemma's lips and pull away. "I'm with her today. I can't let the team down tomorrow." I let out a loud sigh and run my hands through my hair. "I won't let Gemma down either. If she's up to it, she can come to practice with me and stay with the team. During the game, she can be with the boss.”
"Don't I get a say in this?" Gemma asks. Irritation flickers in her eyes.
"Of course you do," Juniper says, giving me a look. "Our men need us to be safe so they can concentrate on the game." She smirks. "Besides, Willow is armed."
"What the hell!" I hiss. "They let you in with a gun?"
Willow giggles. "Twelve thousand volts of electricity shooting into any asshole who messes with us."
"You have a Taser?" Gemma laughs. "Okay, I’ll hang out with the team. Dario promised me I'd be in the locker room with the men. How can I turn down an offer like that?" She smiles.
Juniper, Willow, and Rosie fall silent. Gemma giggles. "He said I'd wear an eye mask so I wouldn't see anyone but him naked."
I clear my throat as all eyes turn to me. A blush begins to gather along my cheekbones. "I may have said that. I'll ask Coach to keep an eye on you," I tell Gemma. "I don't want any jealous girls coming after me."
"Now that that's taken care of, I look forward to spending time with you during the game," she adds. "So that's covered. What about overnight," Rosie comments, looking at me.
"I got that."
"You do?" Gemma blushes a lovely shade of red.
Willow snorts. "I guess that's our cue to leave. I'll see you tomorrow, Gemma. Don't forget to wear a jersey."
When the girls are gone, I pick up the trash and throw it in the garbage. I go to the bathroom, wash my hands, and then go back to Gemma.
Kicking off my shoes, I push Gemma over in the bed and climb in next to her. My arms hold her close, and for a few seconds I fear she'll refuse. She doesn't. I pull her in until her head is resting on my chest and her entire body is wrapped around me. "You have no idea how many times I wanted to hold you like this, but in my bed. So many," I confess. "That's where you'll be when you're released. I share an apartment with Madden and Bradford. You'll be safe there." I kiss the top of her head, hoping she doesn't mind.
"Won't I be cramping your style?"
I chuckle. “Sweetheart, I haven't had a style to cramp since I met you." I stroke her back. "I smile and flirt because it's expected, but that's all I do. That night, it’s something I regret. But honestly, I haven’t been interested in anyone for a good while now."
"Oh." She snuggles even closer, which I didn't think was possible. "This is all so sudden and new, Dario. I keep thinking it's all a dream I'm going to wake up from."
"I'm not going anywhere."
"I could lose my job," she whispers, wrapping an arm around my stomach, her palm resting possessively on my waist.
"I could lose my place on the team," I add. "None of that matters anymore. My career means nothing if you're not by my side."
"Dario!" She gasps and lifts her head, her palms spread on my chest. "How can you say that? You worked so hard to make the team. I'm not going to let you throw that away for me." Pause. "Do you have a pierced nipple?"
I blink, trying to catch up, and then I realize she can feel it through my shirt. I smile and take her hand, sliding it up the inside so she has skin.
The moment I press the palm of her hand against my nipple, I get goosebumps.
"Oh!" She gasps and rubs the tight nipple. It's not the only thing that gets tight from her touch as her fingers circle the bar before she gives it a tug. My dick goes solid.
I'm about to tell her to stop when she settles down against me, one leg slipping between mine. She tugs on the silver bar over-and-over again. It's only when I feel pre-cum oozing from my shaft that I whisper, "You have to stop.” I cover her hand, breathing hard.
"You're sensitive?" She brings her hips against mine and there is no doubt that she feels how sensitive I am.
"Dario," she mumbles, wiggling and pressing closer. "I have a nipple ring too."
My eyes go wide. "What?" There is no way she said what I think she said.