Page 61 of Unlocked Desire: Vol One
Luc smiles, and my heart drops. Fuck. He’s going to join him. I am about to get gang-raped. I might have some fucked-up sexual desires, but this one isn’t on the list.
Enzo pins me with his stare. His lips curve into a vicious smile. One meant to frighten, not reassure. He bends, his knuckles caressing the same spot Luc hit, the soft touch juxtaposed with the anger in his eyes. “You can get off that dirty couch.”
He doesn’t have to tell me twice. My ass gets up so fast that I’m light-headed. He grabs Luc by the neck and lifts him; I watch as his legs dangle in the air, and his face goes red from Enzo cutting off his airway. “When I say she is to be unharmed, that means not one inch of her body can be touched by your dirty fuckin’ hands. Every single part of her belongs to me. You thought you could sample my property and walk away without some form of punishment? How stupid are you, Luc?”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t think,” Luc squeaks. The Zippo flicks on and off in Enzo’s hand, and Luc’s eyes widen. “What are you gonna do, Enzo?”
Enzo grins, displaying straight, pearly white teeth. “You’ve heard the stories, haven’t you?”
Luc shakes his head, and the movement makes him look like a defective bobblehead.
Enzo brings the Zippo to Luc’s dick, and the stench of burned hair fills the air. “You know what I’m capable of?” Luc’s eyes are full of fear. “You put your hands on her.”
“No, please. I didn’t touch her. I was just messing with her,” Luc begs.
Enzo laughs. The sound is manic. “Is that why she has a mark on her face? Because you didn’t touch her?'“
Luc shakes his head, eyes going wide. When he speaks, his voice is shaky. “It was just a little tap.”
Enzo hauls Luc over to me, pushing his face so close to mine that I wince. “That little red mark you left on her face. Does that look like messing around? You marked her, Luc, and now I’m gonna mark you.”
“Please, Enzo. I’m sorry. I made a mistake. Let me make it up to you.”
Enzo shakes his head. “I don’t do second chances, Luc. You know that.”
A blond guy who looks like Charlie Hunnam in beast mode with a giddy smile and large silver chains around his neck moves beside Enzo and pours a clear liquid on Luc’s dick. Lighter fluid.
Bile rises in the back of my throat, mixing with morbid satisfaction that the fucker is about to get what he deserves.
Enzo leans in close to Luc. “You tried to take something precious from me, and now I’m going to take something precious from you.”
The flame from the Zippo moves along Luc’s dick, and his screams reverberate around the room.
Stumbling back, I try to compose myself. I run my hands down my body as if smoothing out invisible wrinkles. “Well, thanks for the help.”
As I reach the door, a firm grip grabs my wrist. “Not so fast, princess.”
I try to shake free of his hold, but his hand tightens, and I wince in pain. “It’s sweet that you want to make sure I find my way home, but I’m good.”
Amusement flashes momentarily in Enzo’s eyes before it’s wiped clean and replaced with icy determination. Something tells me that “icy” is this man’s middle name.
“I’m not your savior, princess. I’m the monster lurking in the dark,” he growls.
My eyes widen in horror. “It’s you,” I gasp.
“Hello, Principessa.”
Chapter 2
Six Months Ago
“The auction is next week,” my father says, his icy hands playing with a loose strand of my hair.
I hate it when he touches me. It’s never the touch of a father but of someone who wants something a father never should. Something seedy and vile.
I search my mother’s face. She can’t meet the gaze of her almost twenty-one-year-old daughter. Her eyes are fixed on the intricate patterns on the rug beneath her feet. “You gonna say anything? Or are you okay with me being sold like a street hooker?”