Page 8 of Read Me, Baby
I sit up watching a boat come closer to shore as I respond, “I still can’t get that image of him sitting in the corner making jokes like a preteen with his football buddies when I read a sexy scene. And then to publicly denounce me and the books and the library? He’s a school coach! I get athletics try to outweigh schooling, but come on. We could have been a great team together providing learning and sports to the school. Instead, he made me feel like I was an idiot for even trying. So no, I don't enjoy reading in front of people and giving them an opportunity to laugh and poke fun.”
“Girl, I get it,” Hazel interrupts. “But no one is going to laugh at you here. You have a chance to start over and be yourself. Nobody has to know all the failed dates you went on, or how much of an ass that guy was–”
“Sure,” I interrupt. “But I’m turned off to the whole romance idea and now I’m thrown into it headfirst again.”
“Maybe there’s a reason for that.”
The incoming boat pulls into the wake causing ripples to hit the shore, and then someone shouts Hazel‘s name and she stands, yelling, “Hey, Wes!”
I sit up, tilting my sunglasses down so I can get a better look and then whisper, “Oh! Is that the non-love of your life?”
She snickers and gives me a slight shove. “Yeah and we can meet his cousin too. That’s his boat.”
I look closer at the man driving the boat. He’s wearing dark shorts and a pair of sunglasses, and I take note of his toned arms and flat, cut abs. His hair is dark and flipped to the side, and I find I’m incapable of looking away from the blindingly attractive man. So, I ask, “Who is that other guy?”
“Oh, that’s Maverick, their best friend. He’s like the resident playboy, but he’s harmless.”
She waves frantically from the sand, urging them over, and I hiss, “Hazel! What are you doing?”
“Let them come up and hang out.”
Suddenly feeling self conscious, I pull my legs close to my body and then grab for my wrap and tie it around my waist.
The boat slows to almost a crawl as they float fifty feet out and I watch Wes’s cousin’s moves, mesmerized by his sleeve tattoo and the way his muscles tense as he grabs the anchor and tosses it over. He turns to the guys, standing at his full height and flashes a smile, and I swear the butterflies that flutter in my stomach are something I’ve never felt before.
Wes drops into the waist-deep water, and Maverick follows making his way over. They move closer and Wes heads straight for Hazel and kisses her lightly on the cheek, lingering for a moment longer than a friend should. She steps away and greets Maverick before introducing me to both of them. I try to be cordial and say hello, but the man walking up onto the beach has my full attention.
“Hey Jay!” Hazel says. “Great day for the boat, right?”
“Absolutely,” he replies pleasantly, giving her a quick hug before turning to me.
“This is my friend Nina Amoré,” Hazel says excitedly. “She’s new in town so be nice.”
He laughs and the low chuckle that falls from his lips has goosebumps erupting on my skin. I’ve been around handsome men, but I've never reacted to anyone this way before, the energy this guy gives off makes me unsteady.
“Amoré! Whew! What a name!” Maverick butts in with a laugh. “It's nice to meet you.” He shakes my hand as does Wes, but when Jay extends his hand to me and I grasp it, the current that flies through my arm is what movies are made of. I try to drop it quickly, but he holds on for a moment longer, and when I look at him, I'm thankful my eyes are hidden behind sunglasses. His, however, seem to see straight into my soul.
Clearing my throat, I turn my attention to Wes as he asks, “How do you know Hazel?”
“Hazel and I grew up together.” I reply shortly, almost incapable of getting the words out through my suddenly dry throat.
“I was the smart one who moved away for college,” Hazel replies, smiling as she puts her arm around me. “But I'm thankful she’s here with me now.”
“You're new to town? How do you like it here so far?” Jay asks.
“Considering I’ve only been here a few days? So far so good.”
Maverick jumps in again. “What finally brought you to our little town?”
“She’s the new librarian.” Hazel answers and Jay’s head snaps toward me but I avoid looking at him. I feel him studying the side of my face, willing me to look his way but the introvert in me screams, ‘don’t look, don't get involved, stay in your lane’.
My heart is saying otherwise but I can never trust that bitch either.
“Yeah, I’m the new librarian. Mrs. Holly is retiring and I’m looking forward to being there full-time now.”
“Were you there yesterday?” Jay asks shortly.
“Was Mrs. Holly showing you the Read Me, Baby room?” Maverick asks teasingly, and Jay punches his arm.