Page 21 of Read Me, Baby
She and I watch each other. I know she’s thinking about Wes and I wish things would just come together for them.
“It’s going to work out for you guys,” I say gently. “There's no way you’ve been tiptoeing around each other all this time for it not to. Maybe you just need one big shakeup to let things fall into place.”
Now it’s her turn to shrug and not have the words. “Look at us. Both waiting for that happily ever after to show up and knock on the door!”
Knock, knock
We both scream and she jumps into my lap, each of us wrapping our arms around each other.
The door flies open, and Wes and Jay come barging in. “What's wrong? Are you girls okay?”
We look at each other and begin to laugh uncontrollably.
“What the fuck is happening here?” Wes asks.
Jay picks up the bottle of wine and shakes an almost empty bottle. “Looks like we walked in on some self-care.” He chuckles, before pouring the remaining wine into the empty glass on the table.
“Speaking of self care, Hazel, I have something I need to discuss with you.” Wes says it matter of factly, but his tone is low and hints of sexual promises.
And I know exactly what's happening here.
I unwrap myself from Hazel and stand. “Is that what we’re calling it now?”
Wes raises a brow, but doesn’t take his eyes from Hazel as she ushers him out of the living room, and I call after her, “Don’t worry! I’ll see myself out!”
“He brought me as the backup plan,” Jay explains, extending his hand to me.
I take his hand and allow him to lead me to the front door. “Oh? He brought you to make sure I leave the house so those two can get it on?”
I laugh at the absurdity of why those two are not together then step into my shoes and Jay opens the door. “Come on. Let’s go to the food truck. I know you must be hangry and I would not be the friend I am if I didn’t feed you right now.”
I pause, waiting for more. “That’s it? That's how the sentence ends?”
He licks his bottom lip and I watch with full attention. “Not every sentence has to be dirty, Miss Amoré.”
“No. But it’s fun when it is.”
I walk past him and jump when his flat palm lands on my ass with a loud smack. “Jay!” I exclaim, outraged that I just got spanked.
“I’m hungry, Nina. I know you are, too. Get that fine ass in the truck before you get spanked again,” he says as he continues walking to the truck, not giving me a second glance back.
The nerve on this guy.
But I follow with a huge smile on my face.
We order from Taste of Magnolia, this amazing little food truck run by friends, Cora and Aspen. I’ve passed the truck a time or two, the large pink and white flowers are hard to miss, but now that I've eaten here, it’s a newfound favorite.
“They cater events. You should talk to them about a menu for the book club.”
I bite into a pulled pork slider while Jay has fish tacos with pineapple salsa.
“You and your tacos.” I razz him as he slowly moans over each bite he takes.
“Say what you want.” He looks pointedly at my sandwich, smirking as he adds, “Craving some meat, Nina?”
“Gotta get it from somewhere.”
His eyes widen comically and he coughs on the bite he just swallowed. “Don’t get me hard in public.”