Page 1 of Read Me, Baby
“Nina! I miss you. Please come to Magnolia Point. It’s beautiful here. There’s sun all the time, the beach, cute little shops and the best tacos around. Do you know there are endless margaritas at Just in Queso?”
My best friend, Hazel, is whining to me on the phone and I’m just rotten enough to let her carry on a bit longer. She doesn't know I’ve already got my bags packed and I'm ready to leave my hometown and make my way to her.
“I don’t know, Hazel,” I reply dismissively. “I kind of like it here.”
She scoffs, “No, you don’t. You hate everything about that town, right down to that awful first date you had just two nights ago.” She pauses and then adds, “AGAIN.”
“Fine. you win. I’m on my way.”
Complete silence.
“Hello? Hazel? Are you there?”
“Did you just say you’re on your way?”
“Instead of begging, you should be listening and?—”
“Oh my God! Yes! Get here! Now! Just drive! Girl! You just made my day. It's going to be so great!”
I laugh at her enthusiasm. “I’m literally about to start my car. That last date convinced me there is nothing more for me here.”
“I promise you’re going to be so happy. I told you I fell in love with the town while in college, you should have come here then. Wait, did you hear back from the library? I told them all about you.”
“I did,” I reply calmly. “They hired me over the phone this morning.”
“Yes!” she screams. “This is just what you need. A fresh start, a job with all the books you love and maybe even a new man.”
“Slow down, Hazel. I don’t need a man. I think I'll settle in with a book boyfriend or two for now.”
“And that's your problem. You’re looking for a book boyfriend instead of a real one. They’re not all sunshine and rainbows like you read.”
“You know I don’t read all sunshine and rainbows.”
“Okay but they’re not like the guy Ryat that Shantel Tessier writes, either.”
“A bad boy may not be so bad,” I tease.
“Oh sure. You, the quiet librarian with a bad boy? No, you need a sweet, well-rounded guy that's going to treat you like a country song, and not a rap song.”
I laugh then respond, “There’s nothing wrong with a little Snoop Dogg at night.”
“Either way, you need to face reality instead of hiding in the book stacks, girl. And with me by your side, we’re each going to find our happy ever after!”
“Whatever you say, Hazel. I’m about done with love altogether. If I never read another romance novel again, it will be too soon. There's no such thing as a happy ever after, and these men in the books ruin reality.” I huff grumpily then continue, “I gotta go. I'm pulling out of the driveway now, so I’ll see you in about six hours. Have a glass of wine waiting for me when I pull in.”
“You know I will. Be careful driving. Love you, girl.”
“Love you, too.”
I place my phone in the holder; the route is set, the music is on, and with a smile on my face I pull out of my driveway, turning my car in the direction of my new home, Magnolia Point.
“Peace out, Georgia. I’ve got a new love on the way.”