Page 93 of My Rules
Looking for a jockey to ride my friends.
I laugh out loud. “What?” I put my hands over my mouth. “Surely not.”
Blake is laughing so hard, he’s not making any noise.
I have tears streaming down my face from laughing. This has been the funniest night of all time.
If you like being watched enjoying men, by your man.
I’m your guy.
“I don’t understand.” I frown. “He wants someone to bang his friends?”
“I think so.”
“Why would he want that?”
“I don’t know.” He shrugs. “I think he wants to watch his friends get their cocks out, but he can’t let them know he’s into them, so he throws a decoy into the picture.”
I laugh again.
“Excuse me,” the waitress says as she interrupts our hilarity.
“Yes.” I continue to wipe my tears.
“We’re closed, so I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”
Blake and I look around the restaurant to see that it’s empty. “Oh, sorry.”
We instantly get up and make our way to the reception area, where we pay.
I’m teetering in my heels after a few of those lethal coffees, but Blake’s barely sipped at his drinks all night because he is driving.
We push out of the doors, and I go to walk to the left, and Blake grabs my hand and pulls me to the right. “This way.” He throws his arm around me, and we walk to the car.
“If you make my date with Mr. Cuckhold, I’ll never forgive you.”
“Yeah, well, if you make my date with Miss Instagram Famous, I would rather die.”
We laugh again as we arrive at the car, and Blake turns me toward him.
“You know, sometimes I wish I didn’t live on Kingston Lane,” he says softly.
“You do?” I frown. “How come?”
“Because then ... we wouldn’t be friends.”
My eyes search his.
“And . . .”
He pulls my spaghetti strap back up onto my shoulder. “And what?” I whisper.
“And ... we could have just met as strangers.”
Everyone else in the street disappears as we stare at each other.
“And I would have asked for your number.”