Page 85 of My Rules
My phone rings on the table, and Blake snatches it up before I can answer it. “Hello.”
He listens. “Hi, Dad.”
I frown. What’s he doing?
“Oh, really? Shit.” He listens. “Yeah, okay.” He nods, all serious. “No, it’s okay. We can do that. We’re on our way.”
He puts his hand over the phone as he plays along. “It’s Nana.”
“Nana?” I frown.
“She’s fallen down a flight of stairs.”
“Oh no,” Ruby gasps.
“See you soon, Dad. We’re on our way.”
He hangs up the phone. “Well, this is a real downer.” He shrugs sadly. “I’m so disappointed.”
I roll my lips to hide my smile. He is the worst liar in the history of all liars.
How have I never seen this before?
“Herman, do you think you could possibly drop Ruby at home?” he asks.
“Sure thing.”
“You two should go for a drink or something,” I suggest.
“Yeah.” Herman’s eyes light up in excitement. “We should.”
Ruby’s eyes flick between Blake and him. “Ahh.”
“Yes, do that.” Blake nods. “It’s only fair. Don’t let us spoil your fun.”
“Oh.” She shrugs. “I guess so.”
Ha ha, sucked in, Ruby.
You arrive in a Porsche with a hot date, and you go home in a pimped-out Kermit the Frog with a serial high-fiver.
“We should get going,” Blake tells me as he stands. “My apologies, guys. Have a fun night.”
Herman stands, and I give him an awkward hug. Ruby stands, and Blake kisses her quickly on the lips. “I’ll call you.”
“Okay.” She swoons. “I look forward to it.”
Blake grabs my elbow and escorts me out of the restaurant and onto the street. “Are you ever calling her?” I whisper.
“Not on your life.” He scrunches up his nose. “You were right. A neurosurgeon who looks like Barbie is overkill ... even for me.”
As if running from a crime scene, we rush to his car. He opens the door for me, and I climb in. He dives into the driver’s seat. “Now ...” He starts the car. “Where are we going for dessert?”
Twenty minutes later, on the other side of the city, Blake pulls into a covered parking lot.
“What is this place?” I frown.
“The best-kept secret in town,” he replies.