Page 8 of My Rules
Michael’s eyebrows shoot up as if he’s unimpressed.
“He’s a little overprotective—ignore him. I do.” I tap my drink with his. “Let’s talk about something interesting.”
“Like what?” He smiles, mollified for the moment.
“Like where we’re going on our date next week.”
He slides his hand around my waist. “Where do you want to go?”
An hour later, the car pulls to a stop in front of my house, and Michael looks over at me in the darkness. “Damn, you make me want to call in sick tonight.”
I smile over at him. “Next week.”
“Next week.”
Hope blooms in my chest. There really is something here between us.
I feel giddy.
He leans over and takes my face in his hands. His lips brush over mine as he kisses me softly.
Oh . . .
His tongue slides against mine, and my eyes close at the perfection between us.
He kisses me again and again, and good lord ...
I pull away from him, overwrought with arousal.
“Wow,” he pants as he looks at me.
“Wow.” I smile.
Wow is right . . . ahhhhhh!
“Have fun at work.” I open the door and lean in through the window. “Call me.” I bat my eyelashes playfully to be cute, and he winks and revs the engine on the car.
I practically float inside and close the door, leaning up against the back of it as excitement runs through me.
Can it be next Saturday night already?
I put the plug in, turn the hot water on, and let it run. I’m in the bath, and it’s after midnight. The room is steamy, and I’ve lit candles to add to the ambience. It’s funny—I never used to take baths; I always saw them as a waste of time.
But lately they’ve become part of my self-care routine.
A deep, hot bath is cathartic and a simple pleasure that I’ve become addicted to.
After my dreamy first kiss with Michael tonight, I’m floating on air. My mind keeps going over and over it, the way he kissed me ... the way it made me feel.
I have this simmering excitement deep inside.
My phone beeps a text. I lean out, dry my hand on the towel, and pick it up.
It’s a text from Michael. Ahh ... I swipe it open.
Can’t stop thinking about you.
I smile broadly and reply.