Page 78 of My Rules
I glance at my watch. “You’re going to be late.”
“No, I’m not.”
I put my hand over my stomach. “I’m so nervous, I feel sick.”
“Relax, it’s fine.”
“Is it? Because it really doesn’t feel fine.”
“I’ll see you there.”
“Okay.” Then I remember. “Oh, Blake.”
“Yes, Rebecca.” He sighs in exasperation.
“When you get there, can you introduce yourself before I have to?”
“Why is that?”
I screw up my face because I know how lame this sounds. “I don’t remember his first name.”
“Ha ha, classic rookie error. Look at you. You’re nailing this player thing already.”
“Not funny.” I roll my eyes. “Goodbye.”
I see the headlights swing into my driveway, and I take one last look in the mirror.
I’m wearing a cream fitted dress, and my hair is down and curled. I’m rocking a fake tan and high heels, and I haven’t made this much effort in years.
I feel utterly ridiculous.
Knock, knock, knock echoes from downstairs, and I close my eyes in horror.
I’ve changed my mind; I don’t want to go anymore.
You have to.
I slowly make my way downstairs and open the door.
“Hi.” His friendly face smiles.
“Are you ready to be wined and dined?” He’s wearing jeans and a shirt, and he looks nice.
He holds his hand up in the air.
I frown, and he holds his hand up higher. “High-five it, baby. Hit me.”
I fake a laugh as I give him a high five.
“Touchdown.” He smiles broadly.