Page 66 of My Rules
“And for the record, I probably do have syphilis in my dick; it wouldn’t surprise me.”
I bite my lip to hide my smile. “I can’t believe you got your dick pierced.”
He cocks his leg and rearranges his crotch. “I actually have an ice pack in my underpants right now.” I laugh out loud, and he does too. “Oh,” he says, “I’ve been dying to ask—are you a foot millionaire by now?”
“No,” I scoff with a roll of my eyes.
“I haven’t sold one single picture.”
“Not one?”
“Meh.” He shrugs. “Those weirdos don’t know hot feet when they see them.”
He bumps me with his shoulder, and I bump him back.
I think our fight is over.
The violins sound, and I hunch my shoulders up in excitement. “This is it, Jules.”
We are at the top of the garden, about to walk down the aisle. We can see the boys in their black suits down below, waiting for us under the arch.
She bounces around on the spot. “I can’t believe this is actually happening.”
She’s wearing a fitted white lace dress and the most beautiful antique veil; it was her great-grandmother’s. Her hair is up, and I’ve never seen a more beautiful bride. She is literally glowing.
I kiss her cheek. “Go marry your man.”
She laughs again. Her excitement is palpable. Chloe pulls her into a hug and then begins to walk down the aisle in slow double steps. I take off next and make my way down. Chloe and I are wearing ice-blue strapless dresses. I feel like a glamorous Grace Kelly; the dresses have a real old-Hollywood vibe.
As I get closer, I see that Henley is watching his beloved Juliet walk down the aisle to him through tears.
Oh . . .
I look around to see that both Blake and Antony are choked up too.
My heart.
We take our places and turn to watch Juliet on her father’s arm walk the last of the aisle. As Henley wipes his tears with the backs of his hands, Juliet is giggling like a schoolgirl. She’s practically running to get to him.
She turns and passes me her bouquet, and then her father kisses both her cheeks and passes her to Henley.
“Hi.” He smiles.
“Hi,” she gushes.
“You look so beautiful,” he mouths.
“So do you,” she mouths back.
He leans in and kisses her softly, his lips lingering over hers, and from my peripheral vision, I see Blake wipe his eyes too.
Who knew these boys were so emotional?
“We’re getting married,” Juliet whispers, as if this is a surprise.