Page 242 of My Rules
“You did the right thing by coming here,” Henley says matter-of-factly.
“Why do you say that?”
“Rebecca’s got a lot of baggage.”
I nod as a sinking feeling creeps back in.
“I still think that one day, you two will end up together.” Antony sighs.
“We won’t.” I shake my head. “She had her chance.”
“I don’t believe this is all her fault,” Henley fires back.
“So it’s mine?” I point to my chest.
“Not at all. The timing’s not right, that’s all.”
“The timing is never going to be right for us.” I sip my beer. “She made sure of that, and why the fuck are you defending her all of a sudden?”
“Because she’s suffering, and I feel sorry for her ... but I did warn you.”
“When did you warn me?” I scoff.
“All along I told you that she wasn’t ready. Remember, hurt people hurt people.”
“What was that bullshit, anyway?” I roll my eyes. “Why didn’t you just speak English and spell it out for me? It would have saved me a whole lot of heartbreak. It goes like this: Listen, Blake, Rebecca is still in love with her ex, so you should steer fucking clear of her at all costs.”
“Believe me, I tried,” Henley fires back.
“She is not in love with John,” Antony snaps, disgusted. “Are you crazy?”
“All I know is that she’s not in love with me.”
“You know that’s not true,” Henley says. “She’s just sorting through some shit.”
“I don’t care, anyway.” I shrug. “I’m getting back on the dating scene. Rebecca who?”
Henley winks and clinks his beer with mine. “Attaboy.”
I lie on the couch and scroll through my phone. My finger hovers over the name.
It’s been seventeen weeks since I spoke to my best friend. And I want to tell him all about the things I’m doing to try and get better.
All the silent tears that fall.
Can he feel my love from here?
I go to yoga and meditation and therapy, and I’m keeping a journal, and Daisy and I walk twice a day ... and ...
I miss him.
More than I’ve ever missed anything.
I have this deep ache in my heart that won’t go away, and I fear that I’ve ruined my life forever. For how can I ever feel whole again if I don’t have him by my side?