Page 137 of My Rules
Ha, anger makes me bowl better.
“Nice shot.” Gregory smiles. He comes in for a kiss.
He grabs my head and holds me in. His tongue takes no prisoners.
I pull out of it to see Blake stand. He glares at Gregory and picks up a bowling ball.
“I’m going to wipe you off the planet, Gregory.” He fakes a smile.
Kayla giggles, thinking this is the best fun in forever.
Blake runs and hurls the bowling ball. It bounces nearly three feet high and runs into the gutter before it even gets to the end.
“Unlucky,” Gregory calls. “Watch this, baby,” he says to me. He calmly picks up the ball and bends his knees and acts all professional-like. He stands there and waits, as if he’s mentally psyching himself up to take the shot.
“This isn’t the Olympics,” Blake mutters under his breath.
Kayla giggles again ... What is so funny, bitch?
Gregory takes his shot, and then he does some weird crossing-his-leg-behind thing as he waits for his ball to go down the alley.
“Yes!” he yells as he gets a strike. “Boom! That’s how it’s done.” He claps his hands together. “Oh yeah, wiping the table with you, Grayson.”
Blake’s eyes flicker red, and Kayla laughs again.
Honestly ... if she keeps laughing, I cannot be held responsible for dropping a bowling ball on her toe.
“Your turn, baby,” Gregory tells me. He slaps me on the behind, and Blake inhales sharply as he sits on the chair.
“Just think of the reward you’re going to get tonight if you win, babe.” Kayla smiles.
I stuff my fingers into the holes on the bowling ball. This bitch is going down.
“Do you mind not talking dirty while I’m trying to bowl?” I snap.
“Not at all.” Blake smiles.
“You’re balking me,” I growl.
“Well, his legs in those socks are balking me,” Blake hits back.
Gregory looks down at his legs. “What’s wrong with my legs?”
“Nothing, baby.” I smile. “Those legs are hot.” I grab Gregory and kiss him just to spite these two assholes.
“Yes ... baby, hit me,” Gregory says as he grabs my behind again.
Ahhh ... too far. You had to ruin it, didn’t you?
Hit me?
Good lord, this man is ridiculous.