Page 111 of My Rules
“Good morning, K2.” The principal smiles.
“Good morning, Mrs. Murphy,” my class sings. It’s then that I notice all the girls from the front office are standing in a pack behind her.
“We have a wonderful visitor today,” she tells the class. “Dr. Grayson has come to talk to us.” She calls him over, and Blake appears. He’s carrying a black bag and wearing a navy suit and a crisp white shirt. He’s tall and handsome. His sandy-brown hair has a wave to it, and he looks like McDreamy ... only better.
“Hello, Dr. Grayson.” I smile enthusiastically. “Welcome to K2.”
His eyes find mine across the room, and he gives me a slow, sexy smile and a subtle nod. “Hello, everyone.” He walks in and up to the front of the class.
I glance back to the office girls, and they are now all standing at the back of my classroom, smiling goofily as they watch him.
This isn’t a strip show, girls.
“Oh my god,” Veronica mouths as she fans her face with her hands.
I drop my head to hide my smile. Could they be any more obvious? This is the last day in career week, and so far, nobody from the office has bothered to come and see any of the parents talk about their jobs.
Only today ... coincidence? I think not.
I can guarantee not one of them gives a damn about what a doctor does at work ... they are only interested in this particular doctor’s activities.
Blake stands at the front of the class and looks around. “Wow.” He smiles. “I’ve never seen a class sitting up so straight.”
“Really?” I play along. “How wonderful. Did you hear that, K2?”
They all nod as they smile broadly.
“Dr. Grayson, thank you so much for coming to talk to us today.”
“You’re most welcome, Miss Dalton.” His eyes have a mischievous glow to them. “I like to be helpful.”
I get up off the mat and stand to the side. “Why don’t you tell us a little about what you do in a day?”
“All right, then. I’ll just bring my assistant out to help us.”
He puts his black duffel bag on my desk and digs around in it as we all watch in wonder.
What is he doing?
He pulls out a white coat and flicks it in the air for a dramatic effect. He puts it on over his suit, then pulls out his stethoscope and puts it around his neck. “This is my uniform.” He looks down at himself and then holds his hands up at the girls in the back. “How do I look, ladies?” he teases.
“Great.” They all smile and give him a thumbs-up.
I giggle. He’s such a performer. He really should have been an actor.
“Now, K2, may I have the privilege of introducing my best friend and assistant doctor, Dr. Cecil.” He reaches into his black bag and pulls out a huge soft penguin toy. It’s wearing a white coat and has a stethoscope around its neck.
Everyone squeals and laughs in excitement, me and the office girls included.
“Dr. Cecil and I work at the children’s hospital,” he tells us as he looks around.
“Every day, we look after children who are unwell until they get better.”
We sit in silence as we hang on his every word.
“Now, may I have a volunteer to help me and Dr. Cecil?”