Page 44 of The Bonus
“I’m fine, and don’t ask me why, but I’m quietly optimistic.”
Deb forces a crooked smile. “Call me the minute you’re done.” She hugs me.
“Yep.” I walk out the hotel room door and into the corridor, excited to get this over with.
Let’s do this.
The cab pulls into the curb and I peer out the window at the huge glass fortress and read the sign.
Butterflies swirl in my stomach, not feeling quite so brave now.
I hand the money over to the cab driver. “Thank you.”
“You have a nice day now, dear.” He smiles.
“You too.”
I square my shoulders and without hesitation I march through the huge glass doors, and once inside my step falters. New reception staff are near the security scanners. I look around in a panic, I don’t know these people and I don’t have any of my security badges to get into the building anymore.
Where’s Liana and Margery and Tom?
My heart begins to thump as I approach the desk.
“Hello.” The girl smiles. “Can I help you?”
“Yes…” I pause as I try to think on my feet. “I’m here to see Gabriel Ferrara.”
“Did you have an appointment?”
“Yes,” I lie. “But you will have to call him direct, as it was made in his personal calendar and not with his PA.”
“Oh.” She frowns and glances to her fellow worker. “That’s not how…”
“Tell him Grace Porter is here to see him,” I cut her off.
“I’m sorry.”
“Call him,” I snap, I begin to feel my pulse as adrenaline surges through me. “Tell him Grace Porter is here to see him,” I repeat.
She exchanges glances with the girl sitting next to her. “Okay.” She picks up the phone and dials a number.
As I wait, I bite my bottom lip so hard that I think I taste blood.
“Yes, hello, Mr. Ferrara. This is Violet from reception.” She listens for a moment. “I have a Grace Porter here; she says she has an appointment to see you today.” Her eyes flick up to me as she listens.
I hold my breath as I listen.
“Yes, sir.” She nods. “Thank you.” She puts the phone down.
I stare at her as I wait.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Ferrara is booked out back-to-back today. He can’t see you. He sends his apologies.”