Page 41 of The Bonus
“Of course he has a bodyguard, he’s a rich bastard who pisses off a lot of people.”
We watch Mark as he stands by the door.
“Hmm.” Debbie smiles as she looks him up and down. “That Mark is a bit of alright, isn’t he?”
“He used to be in the army or something.” I shrug. “I don’t know, something manly and tough.”
“He and Gabriel fight like cats and dogs but I know that Gabriel must like him.”
“Why do you say that?”
“Because he bought him a Corvette for his birthday last year.”
“What?” she gasps. “How do you know?”
“Because I organized the registration on it.”
Deb screws up her face in disgust. “Are you fucking kidding me, you sucked his dick and all you got was a stupid bracelet, where’s your fucking Corvette?”
“It’s diamonds.” I widen my eyes; she doesn’t get it at all. “It was about the sentiment.”
“Big shit.” Deb drinks the last of her thick shake through the straw and it makes a loud sucking sound. “Fuck him and his stingy sentiment. Give us a Corvette next time, asshole. Actually, make it a Porsche.”
I exhale heavily, ugh…bringing Deb here could have been a big mistake. She already hates Gabriel with a passion.
The doors of the building open and Alessio comes into view and then Ricardo, and walking behind them is Gabriel.
“Who are they?” Deb asks.
“The two tall guys in front are his brothers Alessio and Ricardo.”
“Hmm.” Deb wiggles her eyebrows. “I don’t mind a bit of Italian suit porn.”
“Ricardo lives in London,” I reply as my eyes linger on one person only, Gabriel.
Towering above everyone, he’s wearing a dark blue suit and a white shirt, his dark hair has a curl to it and damn it, my heart is still on the bottom of his shoe. Seeing him for the first time in two months brings with it a wave of emotion, and I immediately tear up.
I miss him, lord how I miss him.
“Is that him at the back?”
I nod through tears.
His back is ramrod straight, and the way he walks is just so…male. He’s talking to Alessio, and Mark falls in to walk in front of them with Ricardo, the other brother.
How could three brothers all be so genetically blessed?
“Do it.”
“What?” My daydream is interrupted.
“Call him.”
“Oh shit, I forgot I was supposed to be doing that.”
With shaky fingers I dial his number and I hang on the line as I watch.