Page 201 of The Bonus
“No, she tries to boss me around all day.”
I chuckle and look to the back wall, there’s a big heading above a heap of drawings.
Our weekend
“What’s that?” I ask.
“Oh, on Mondays we draw pictures of our weekend and they hang on the wall for the week,” Lucia tells me.
I walk to the back wall and my eyes scan the pictures, and then I see it and my heart stops.
The name Dominic in the top right corner, the picture is of a campfire and four people sitting around it. They’re holding sticks with marshmallows on them. The teacher has written a comment across the bottom.
My dad came over and we played Uno and had a campfire.
It was the best
Emotion overwhelms me, and the picture blurs.
What is it with me lately, these kids have made me an emotional basket case.
“This is the best thing I have ever seen.” I smile as I stare at it. “When it gets taken down from the wall, can I please have this? I’d like to hang it in my office so I can look at it every day.”
Dominic smiles up at me, and I push the hair back from his forehead as I stare down at him.
This kid.
“And where is your picture, Lucia?” My eyes return to scan the wall, and I see the name Lucia in the bottom row. It’s a picture of a girl with dark hair. Huh?
My dad’s girlfriend came over and was angry.
She smashed our glasses
“Oh…” My eyes widen in horror.
“Do you want my picture for your office too?” She smiles hopefully.
Not so much.
“Ahh… Sure.”
Dominic smirks up at me and I know that he knows.
Some things are not supposed to be on the damn classroom wall, Lucia.
Ugh… That’s a conversation for another day.
“Well, I have to get going,” I tell them. “I’ll pick you up this afternoon?”
They both smile as if this is the best day in their life, and who am I kidding…it most definitely is mine.
They walk me out to the gate; Lucia proudly holds my hand as Dominic walks beside us. He’s not touchy and affectionate like her, and as much as I want to hold his hand or hug him, I know that I can’t overstep, I have to wait until he’s ready. This isn’t about me.
“See you this afternoon.” I smile as I bend and hug Lucia, my eyes go to Dominic and he stands with his hands firmly in his pockets.
“Bye.” He gives me a lopsided smile.
“Will I meet you at the gate this afternoon?” I ask.