Page 189 of The Bonus
The children have never seen any of this; without a full-time father or man in the house, they’ve been blissfully protected from any kind of disturbance or fight.
“No, he doesn’t always make girls cry. Adult relationships are complicated, Dom,” I reply. “Luckily for you guys, children’s stuff is way easier to handle.”
“Why did we leave?”
“Gabriel didn’t want you around her when she was being angry and upset, that’s all. She will be okay, don’t worry.”
My mind flicks to Gabriel back at the house. I hope he’s okay. Maybe I should drop the kids at Deb’s and go back to check on him?
My presence will surely only escalate the situation. No…I need to stay away.
We pull into Deb’s driveway and she’s out with a cup of coffee, watering her garden, she frowns as we all get out of the car in our pajamas. “What’s going on?”
“Gabriel’s girlfriend came over and was crying and smashing glass things,” Dominic replies as he walks past her into the house. “She’s going crazy and wrecking our house.”
Deb’s eyes widen as they meet mine. “Are you serious?”
“Deadly.” I sigh. “I need coffee.”
Deb and I sit at her kitchen, bench deep in thought. “I think you should go back and check on him,” Deb says. “What if she…”
I drag my hand down my face as I think. “He’ll be fine.”
“How did she know where you live?”
“No idea.”
“And she sat outside his house all night waiting for him to come home?”
“Apparently.” My heart sinks. “I’ve been exactly where she is and I feel sick knowing how hurt she would be.”
“But he’s yours now.” Deb sips her coffee.
“Ugh, so not mine.” I shake my head in disgust. “Don’t get excited, it was a one-time event.”
“Are you sure about that?”
Grace rushes the children through the back door and my heart sinks, the last thing I would ever want is for them to have to deal with this. I turn my attention to Ariana; she’s crying hysterically and out of control.
“Calm down,” I tell her.
“Calm down?” she gasps. “Calm down?” she cries again. “Did you fuck her?”
I stay silent, unsure what to say.
“Tell me the truth, Gabriel. Did you sleep with her on what was to be our wedding night?”
I’ve been so carried away with Grace and the children that I completely lost track of time. Yesterday was supposed to be our wedding day.
I’m such a fucking asshole.
“Did you even remember?” she whispers through tears, her voice cracks, betraying her hurt.