Page 139 of The Bonus
I giggle as I imagine the scenario.
“So what happens in this case, would she get a payout from her prenup even though they never married?” Deb frowns. “Would she walk away with nothing or…I mean, were they living together?”
“No idea.” I think for a moment. “If he was the one to end it, I know he would look after her.”
“What makes you say that?”
“He’s a good man.”
“He is not a good man,” Deb scoffs. “He’s a douche bag, don’t you ever forget that.”
“Oh, I know he’s a total douche. I mean he wouldn’t try and rip her off. Financially, his morals are strong. He looks after his people.”
“Except his own kids.” Deb raises her eyebrow in a silent dare.
“He did offer but I declined, I already told you that.”
“Pathetic half-assed attempt, if you ask me.”
My heart sinks. “Yeah…” I sip my wine. “It was.”
My gaze rises up at the pink sky, nature is putting on a spectacular show tonight, life is such a contradiction. It’s hard to believe, sitting here and looking over such incredible beauty, that I can feel such a deep, overwhelming sadness.
My children didn’t want his money, they need his love.
“I’ll put that paperwork through and we will be in touch.” I shake his hand. “It was lovely to meet you, Mr. Thompson.” We stand and walk toward the door.
“How long do loan applications usually take to process?” he asks.
“Every case is different, but I think yours will be relatively quick, being so straightforward.” I open my office door for him to leave.
“Fantastic. Have a good day.” He walks down the hallway and I hear raised voices coming from the reception area.
“I am not leaving until I see her,” a woman says.
“She is fully booked today, I’m sorry.”
“This is of a personal matter.”
I frown as I listen, that voice sounds familiar. What’s going on out there? I walk out and my heart stops.
It’s Elena Ferrara, Gabriel’s mother.
She turns and sees me, her chin tilts to the sky as contempt drips from her every pore.
Fuck…she’s not happy.
I drop my shoulders as I prepare for battle. “Are you here to see me?”
“What do you think?” she snaps as she marches past me down the hall and into my office.
“Who is that?” Marci whispers.
“Just…give me ten minutes.” I practically run to my office to find Elena sitting calmly at my desk. Her dark hair is swept up in a glamorous up-style, she’s wearing a black fitted dress, nude stilettos with a matching nude Chanel bag. Her back is ramrod straight and everything about her screams elegance.
I feel the blood drain out of my body, I look like total crap today and am wearing the oldest shoes I own.