Page 10 of The Bonus
“And where do you think you’re going to work, hey?” He picks up his pants, and being so angry, he struggles to put them on. “Do you think you are going to work with a competitor? Because I call fucking bullshit.”
“I’m taking some time off for me.” I cross my arms as I watch his tantrum unfold.
He flicks his pants angrily in front of him. “You can’t afford to take time off.”
“Yes, I can.”
“Well, you can get this harebrained idea out of your head right fucking now, Grace,” he yells. He pulls his pants up so fast that his leg gets caught and he nearly falls over. “Fuck off,” he cries in frustration.
I roll my lips to hide my smile.
“Get out,” he screams, the veins in his forehead are bulging and he’s going red.
I let out a deep exhale. “There is no need to be this dramatic, Gabriel.”
“I tore up your letter, it doesn’t count. Take the day off and come to your senses.”
“That’s not happening, I’ve already emailed my resignation to HR and will be finishing up on the twenty-second of December.”
“What?” he explodes. “That’s four days away.”
“I know.”
“Get out,” he screams as he loses all control.
“Fine.” I walk out and he slams the door behind me, it echoes through the whole of New York.
I sit for a moment.
I jump when I hear something hit the back of his door; I think it was his pen holder.
Ugh…he’s always so over the top.
I push the button to answer my intercom. “Yes, Mr. Ferrara.”
“Get to work!”
I smirk. Man…I need caffeine, it’s way too early for all this drama.
I make my way to the kitchen, and I hear the elevator ding.
Gabriel comes flying out of the office like a hornet.
“There is a gas leak on this floor, go away,” he yells to Geoffrey.
“What?” poor Geoffrey stammers, wide eyed. “Should I call someone?”
“I already have. Work from level two today,” he barks. “Tell everyone else from this floor to work from there too, put a note in the elevator.”
I pinch the bridge of my nose…seriously?
This is going to be the day from hell.