Page 9 of His to Keep
I take a deep breath and hit the send button, stare at the screen and wait a moment to see if he’ll reply. When he doesn’t respond, I put the phone in my back pocket. Damn, he and Amos are two peas in a pod. Neither of them likes anything to do with technology, especially cell phones.
“Hey, Genny, heading out. I’ll open tomorrow, though,” I holler through the building, only pausing to hear her response.
“Alright. You’re closing, too!” she replies. I let out a laugh. Genevieve is all talk. Even when I close, she stays with me to shoot the shit.
“Sounds good, love you.”
“Love you, too. Send me details after your meeting with Trey.” Clearly, she more than glanced at my phone, the little meddler. I don’t respond, instead let my laughter do the work for me. I’ve got just enough time to get home, hop in the shower, and scarf down a bite to eat. Trey will be over before I know it.
“Honey, I’m home,” I say as I open the door to Amos and Sienna’s place. I got here later than I wanted. It’d have been nicer to have my shit here and in place. Ryland stopping by for a conversation took longer than expected. He’s going to need a babysitter for Case when Mom and Dad head out of town the end of the month. All of us would rally, we’d always help where Case is involved. God how I love that kid. He’s the cutest, can be wild at times, and makes our family laugh at the smallest of things. Our discussion moved into Case going to school a few hours a week, which was a shock to my core. He’s been on the ranch since his mom dropped him off as an infant. Now he’ll be twenty minutes away in town, where none of us can see the little guy at the drop of the hat.
Ryland must have noticed my worry-stricken face. He told me about the latest doctor’s appointment. How the doctor and Case’s speech therapist spoke over the phone and suggested getting Case into school a few days a week would help him expand his vocabulary while acclimating him to other kids before he heads off to preschool. My stomach sank to my damn feet. Little guy is growing up on us, and I don’t like it one fucking bit. In the end, after I told him I’d do whatever he needs, when Ryland left, it took me a minute to plant my feet on the ground, so to speak, then I packed my bags and locked up my place. I had one more stop to make, but JW wasn’t around. I’ll have to catch up with him another day.
“Well, that’s an interesting way to announce your presence,” Sienna says coming out of the kitchen and meeting me in the foyer. Her hair is wet, nearly soaking through her white tank top. I watch as a droplet of water slides down the slope of her neck, running along the strap, and when it reaches her cleavage and drops beneath the fabric, my eyes move further down. Cut-off sweat shorts rolled over a couple of times and a pair of socks with what looks like raccoons on them. “Ugh, do you care to explain why you’ve got a bag in your hand?” Instead of answering her right away, I allow myself the pleasure of scanning her body one more time before she throws a fit. My tongue slides out, gliding along my lower lip, and I watch as she tries to hide her eyes darkening with desire.
“Amos didn’t tell you?” I ask, taking a step closer. The tips of my fingers graze her smooth bare skin. Sienna’s not unaffected—gooseflesh pebbles in my wake, and her stomach ripples where I’m touching.
“Must have slipped his mind. Safe to assume you’re the help he talked about via text?” She backs away, and as much as I don’t want to let her go, I do, for now.
“Sounds about right. You cooking dinner, or you want me to?” Her nostrils flare, and a flush appears on her cheeks and chest. She’s pissed.
“I’m cooking. You’d burn the whole damn house down. The spare room is clean, thankfully. I’ll start dinner. It won’t be much, probably spaghetti.” It’s then I see the bags under her eyes. I swear to fuck if she’s doing something in that warehouse to make her miserable, I’ll lose my goddamn shit.
“I’ll do that. We’re talking. Tonight, sugar.” I bend my head to slide my nose along hers for the briefest of moments before pulling away. It’s not lost on me how Sienna’s hands hovered above my chest or how she lifted to her toes to meet me. “Like that look on you, Sienna, like it a whole fuckin’ lot.” As much as I don’t want to leave her full of desire, I know myself enough. One small taste of this woman, and the only thing I’ll be using my mouth for is to taste every square inch of her body.
“Trey.” Damn, my name coming from her lips has the power to bring me to my knees.
“Be right back.” Turning my back on Sienna is the last thing I ever want to do. Did that before to get her out of this town and to live the life she deserved before coming home. It didn’t matter that Amos had high hopes of her leaving and not coming back. Everyone knew Sienna would settle back in Arrowleaf. This place has a hold on all of us in one form or another. Most people stay after graduating high school. Some go off to school of some kind and then land back here.
“K.” Yep, shit's going to come to a head. We’ll get through this, and then I’ll have Sienna Ellison under me by the end of the night. I walk out of the foyer, hanging a right at the next doorway. Sienna's and the two spare bedrooms are down this way, and the stairs lead to Amos’ bedroom, formerly his parents' master bedroom with a pseudo-office and library attached. Before he took it over, his parents used it more for a nursery and then turned it into a sitting room. Now it's his own little oasis. He attempted to let Sienna have the top floor, but she didn’t want it. Whether it was because she knew Amos needed his own place to get away at the end of the day or because she had her own setup with the whole back porch to herself. Back then, when everything went down, I didn’t think it was smart for her to be downstairs by herself and Amos further away. She wasn’t mine then, making it impossible for me to have a leg to stand on. Then when we finally had something going, and it worked out. Sienna could sneak away to meet me, come back, and Amos would be none the wiser.
She may have offered me a spare bedroom, except I won’t be placing my bag in it, and I damn sure won’t be sleeping anywhere else except with her next to me. The two doors on the right lead to a bathroom and bedroom. The other side has the remaining doors. The closest to the mouth of the hallways is the second spare room, making Sienna’s at the end. Well away from everyone else who could be in the house.
I stop at the door to her room, and my shoulder leans against the frame as I look at her room. A lot has changed since she’s been home. While Sienna was away at college, I’d randomly walk down to her room, using the restroom as an excuse. She’d come home from college for a weekend, I’d stay away as much as I could, and when she left, I found a reason to come over. Her scent would linger, fueling my addiction for her even more.
Where her walls used to be a soft cream, they're now a dark green. The windows and French doors and framing are a lighter-stained wood compared to the rest of the house. The brass canopy-style bed is the showstopper of the room. And the big floral-patterned bedding is every bit of Sienna. “Damn,” I say to the empty room. I’m so focused on making my way further inside I don’t hear her come up behind me. I no sooner place my small duffel bag on the wooden bench at the foot of the bed when I feel her presence.
“Uhh, you realize this is my room, right?” Sienna says behind me. My body turns, and I look at her.
“Know that, sugar. I’ve spent enough time away from you. Only had you in my arms once all night. No one is around. I’m getting it this week.” I don’t leave room for reason.
“I’m not sleeping with you, Trey Johnson! We haven’t had a civilized conversation since I was eighteen.” Sienna stomps her foot on the wood floor. The wince she tries to cover doesn’t do any good, and the way her tits bounce with the movement, she’s not persuading me on doing anything except pissing her off more.
“We’ll be doing more than sleeping. No use in me being in another room when you know I’ll be wherever you are.”
“No way, not happening. It’s too soon. You’re moving too fast. I’ll sleep in the other room, then.” I squint my eyes at her trying to figure out what is going through her head.
“Sienna, screwed up once, not doing it again. You can try and sleep in another room, the couch, or the back porch. I’ll be the one to pick you up and carry you back to your bed to sleep with me. I don’t have a single fucking problem carrying you asleep or awake.” She takes a deep breath. Her chest rises, falls, and repeats. This talk is going to happen later. There’s no damn way I’m going to be able to wait much longer. It’s been too long and too many damn years since I’ve had Sienna.
“Trey, I can’t do this right now. I need food and a drink, badly. We’ll fight about this later.” She’s shutting down on me, and there’s no way I’m going to let that happen.
“Sienna.” Her name is barely above a whisper. Her shoulders drop, and she’s turning around to head out the door. I spur myself into action, my boots echoing on the wood floor with each step. A light noise leaves her body, similar to a soft cry. My arm wraps around her stomach and pull her into the warmth of my chest.
“Trey,” Sienna breathes as I dip my head to her neck, taking in the moment to just feel her in my arms again. Unfortunately, the hitch in her throat goes up a notch, and I’ve got to do something. I look down at her then over my shoulder at the bed. Looks like the bed it is. I spin her around, hands sliding to her hips, and lift her up. Instantly, her legs wrap around my waist, arms going around my shoulders, and her face is buried in my neck.