Page 15 of His to Keep
The whole way home I’ve been seething. Okay, no I haven’t, but I’ve been wracking my brain trying to figure out Trey’s thought process on why he’d pay Champ’s vet bill. I spiraled down a rabbit hole of insecurities. Does he think I can’t afford Champ? Is he inserting his macho dominance, and this is how our future relationship is going to be? Or is this him being nice? Either way, I’m going to want to talk about this. The only problem I currently have as I pull up to the house is how I’m going to start the conversation. Which is another animal in itself. I’m head strong, can come off abrasive, when really, I’m super passionate if it’s something I care about.
I’m still somewhat of a mess from my day at the warehouse. I did the best I could with what I had to work with. At some point, Genevieve and I need to make a game plan to eventually buy the small space, see if we can convert it into a storefront and make the back half work for all the other stuff. Maybe even add a shower. I’d like to eventually drive my personal car instead of a farm truck. As it is right now, I’d ruin my car between the mileage, me being an absolute mess at the end of the day, and the rough terrain. What good would that do? I close my eyes for a minute, taking a deep breath, in through my nose and out through my mouth. One isn’t good enough, so I do it two more times. Okay, I can do this. Surely, I can have a conversation with Trey that won’t turn into a knock-down drag-out fight. We never had them before, and I don’t think we will now, but goodness did I see a lot of those happen during my college years. A guy or girl would go to a party, one or the other would end up with another person. The fighting began the minute the truth came out, and everyone heard everything. Some couples managed to make it work. Others, well, it became a smear campaign.
My truck is already parked, the keys are out of the ignition, and I’ve got my fingers wrapped around the handle. All I need is to pull on it, and I’ll have the door open and can step out of the truck. Which is what I’m forcing myself to do. This is not the end of the road. This is a minor bump. We’re going to have them, I know this, and that’s why I put my rear in gear. I grab my bag from the passenger seat, throw it over my shoulder, and close the door. My eyes wander around the miles and miles of land surrounding our property. In the distance there are cows, birds flying, and a breeze has the trees swaying. I’m looking for my raccoon family. I missed them this morning, and it seems they’re nowhere to be seen this evening, either.
“Damn, I wonder where they are,” I breathe out. Obviously, no one responds, not that I’d expect them to. It looks like the farm is already shut down for the night. Some horses are stalled. My girl Lucy is one of them. She’s a diva and wants to be left alone. Amos’ horse likes to wander back and forth, so he leaves a stall door open from the pasture. There are a few others like him and a few others like Lucy’s. Amos added a few other animals throughout the years. Goats and donkeys now live at the Ellison farm. Dad would totally shake his head if he were still around, and Mom would be happier than a pig in shit. I can imagine all the things she would make from goat’s milk, like cheeses and yogurts, and I’d bet even soaps of sorts. Maybe I should look into doing something like that once life settles down. Fat chance of that happening any time soon, but a girl can dream. Though, if Genny gets ahold of my idea, she’ll easily start coming to the farm more and take over in the best possible way. I’d bet she’d find time to make soaps and lotions. The woman has energy I’d like to bottle up and buy for myself. I can imagine her branding it in a way that would work for our storefront, and because she’s such a genius marketing guru, I’m sure it would sell out.
I head up the stairs of the front porch. With our home being over one hundred years old, there’s no attached garage. Amos thought about adding one, but in the end, it was cheaper to build a detached with a covered walkway to use during the colder months. As it is right now, we just park off to the side and leave our vehicles out in the elements. Well, my personal car is in the garage. Amos made sure of that. Even though he has no idea my reasoning behind using the farm truck, I can see it kills him not to ask questions, yet he knows if he pushes, I’ll resist.
I’m reaching for the knob to open the door when I hear laughter coming from the other side. It’s too high pitched to be Trey’s, which means it’s more than likely Case who’s inside with his uncle. I open the door, staying as quiet as a mouse, wanting to watch their interaction. Trey has been all about wanting to see me pregnant with his child and, well, I’d love to see what he’s like with Case when no one is around.
“Uncle Tree!” Case’s speech has been a topic amongst the Johnsons for a while now. He struggles with his words and how to say them, at least this is what Amos told me, basically warning me should I be around Case and notice an issue to please act like there’s nothing wrong. Apparently, from what my brother told me, Ryland battles with Case’s speech development. He has shouldered the blame and responsibility in thinking his son’s delay is because of something he did. Everyone has told him that’s bullshit, but he can’t shake it.
I creep inside further, making sure my keys don’t so much as jingle or I don’t randomly bump into a wall and ruin their time together. I’m awestruck, there’s no other way to explain it. Trey is lying on the ground, hands tucked behind his head, and he’s Case’s amusement park. There are blocks, trains, cars, and even some action figures every which way on the floor. A smile tugs on my lips. Case has a race car in his hand and he’s zooming the wheels all over Trey’s body. Seeing him with his nephew is incredible. He’s loving and patient with him, and while I don’t have a niece or a nephew, so I can’t say if I’d be the same way, but I’d like to think I would.
Trey lifts his head, nods my way, and I give him a little finger wave. I mouth I’m going to grab a quick shower. He mouths back the word okay, then his attention is back on Case. I’m going to have to tell him tonight what I’m doing with Genny. There’s only so much longer I can keep him from that part of my life. Plus, tonight, Case took the attention away from my dirty clothes. Tomorrow, that may not happen. I should really move, except I’m rooted to the spot when Trey picks Case up and flies him over his head, making all kinds of noises like an airplane. There’s lots of laughter inside these four walls, and I want that forever. Any doubt I could ever have since we’ve officially been back together is gone. Trey Johnson was put on this earth to love me and to be a father to our children. And I was made to love him and be the mother to our children. A seed of hope blooms in my lower belly. My hand goes there, wishing for a baby to grow there, and soon.
I reluctantly peel myself away from the two of them. Their chuckles echo throughout the house as I make my way down the hallway. I’m going to have to be quick if I want to get in on the interaction of playing with Case. I really need to talk to Genny about making our plans become a reality, and fast. I also know the minute Amos is back in Arrowleaf and back from his self-imposed vacation, Trey and I are going to have to talk to my brother. I don’t want him to find out about our relationship, plus my business, through secondhand information. As it is, so far, there are more people who know about us. Tallulah because Trey paid my vet bill. Case since he’s here at the house, and I know for a fact Trey won’t be able to not give the slightest hint that we're an us. Then there’s Ryland, who will either pick him up or Trey will bring him home, but there are a lot of toys in the house, so I’m pretty sure Ry dropped him off, which means he’ll surely pick him up. Yeah, I’d say we need to get our ducks in a row fast.
“Case, my man, you about ready to go home?” I ask my nephew, who has become infatuated with Sienna. The feeling is entirely mutual. She’s as easy to be around as it is to breathe air. After her shower, she asked if we were hungry. I hadn’t even thought about dinner. Case and I were playing, completely engrossed in having fun that neither of us worried about dinner. Sienna rolled her eyes and asked Case what he wanted. She didn’t miss a beat when he stated macaroni and cheese with chicken nuggets, except it came out a lot different and took him quite a bit to get the words out. Through it all, she remained patient, and once he finished, she asked if he wanted to help. Case will always help where or when he can. It doesn’t matter what is going on in the kitchen. Mom has made sure of it. Maeve does similar when he’s at Whisked Away, and now Sienna is doing the same.
“Uh-uh,” he shakes his head and crosses his arms.
“Words, buddy. Gotta use them.” I hold firm on this. Ryland worries non-stop where Case is concerned. The least we can do is implement what his speech therapist does when he’s with her.
“No, I stay longer.” Longer comes out wonger. Damn, my nephew is the cutest.
“I don’t mind, honestly. I’m going to make popcorn and sit in front of the TV for a while. He’s more than welcome,” Sienna interjects.
“What do you say we clean up your toys, watch a movie, and eat popcorn?” I’ve got no idea what time Ryland will be dropping by, probably not too much longer since it’s technically a work/school night.
“Yesh, yesh,” Case says. I look up at Sienna. She’s shooing me and the boy out of the kitchen after we ate Case’s requested dinner. We helped clean up the dishes and wiped down what needed to be done.
“You sure?” I ask Sienna.
“The faster you two clean up, the faster we can have popcorn and watch a movie,” is her response. Case runs off into the next room, his head sticking out and getting there before his little body. One day, he’ll grow into his noggin. That day will probably be in fifth grade, just like his daddy.
I stay back a minute, wanting a moment alone with my woman. I’ve yet to so much as kiss Sienna since she walked in the door. She snuck off to shower, came back clean with her hair wet once again, and then hung out with Case until dinnertime.
“Sugar.” I come up behind her. She’s already working on throwing the popcorn in the microwave. My hands round her hips, then slide beneath her shirt, feeling smooth skin, pulling her back into my body, and allowing her to feel what she does to me.
“Trey.” My name comes out soft and sweet, in a moan I like. The whole time she’s been home, I’ve had to situate myself to keep my cock from thickening. A damn hard job when the woman you love has no idea the effect she has by walking in a room. Then Case decided he wanted to do everything with Sienna. Not like I could blame him. I do, too.
“Damn, all day you been gone. Gettin’ my kiss now.” She gets with the program, abandoning the popcorn. The minute Sienna’s hands are free, I spin her around until we’re face to face. I move my hands from her hips and cup her cheeks. My mouth is on her, finally getting the kiss I’ve been craving since she left this morning. The minute our lips meet, I lose control. Taking from her is all I can do. Still, it doesn’t stop the need to keep going. Not the noise in the background of Case clanking together his toys before throwing them in a basket for him to take home. Not the television that no doubt he found the remote for and turned the volume up so high, cartoons are blasting through the house. And not even when the front door opens does it take even the slightest bit of attention away from the way our bodies are plastered together. My tongue slides along her lower lip, hers snakes out, and then I’m taking over. We’re a mess of tangled limbs as Sienna’s fingers dig into my shoulders, moving upward, and playing with the hair brushing my neck.
“Mmm,” she mumbles. One long shapely leg hikes over my hip. I press deeper, and Sienna adds another. We’re in a haze of desire, and while she may be so lost in the kiss, I’m all too aware of the booted feet walking into the kitchen. I knew Case wouldn’t come in here. The kid loves his cartoons, and the one currently blaring in particular is his favorite.
“Well, well, well. You do realize that’s how kids are made,” Ryland interrupts our moment. I back away and look at Sienna, liking the pretty flush across her cheeks.
“I’m pretty sure kissing does not create children. Maybe you should retake sex-education.” My hands slide down to Sienna’s shoulders once she has her feet on the ground. She lets out a low giggle, probably thinking about how much sex we’ve been having and what I’m doing in order to see her pregnant with our child.
“Semantics. Gonna grab my boy. Thanks for watching Case.” Ry tips his head.
“Never a problem. He’s picking up his toys, and I’m making popcorn. Is it okay if he takes a bag with him?” Sienna asks, recovering fast from our moment together.