Page 7 of Claimed By Daddy
"Like you wouldn't fucking believe," I growl, far louder than I intended.
She jumps, taking a step back.
Shit. I scared her.
"I'm not going to hurt you," I promise, silently cursing when my voice still comes out too loud, too gruff. "You're safe here with me."
She doesn't respond—at least not verbally. Instead, she crosses her arms over her chest in a protective gesture that has me clenching my jaw. She's scared of me now, wary. That's intolerable to me. She should never be afraid of me. Not ever.
"I won't ever hurt you, little angel. No one else will either." I'll fucking kill anyone who even tries to put their hands on her. No one touches her. No one even fucking looks at her.
She bites her lip, chewing on it like a goddamn bunny. And I want to be the wolf who claims her. My little bunny.
"You… You can't just…just…" she stutters. The confidence in her voice from earlier has completely evaporated. She's trembling again, too.
"Can't what?"
"Walk around like…that," she mumbles, staring at the floor.
"I wasn't walking around this way until I met you."
Her gaze flies back to mine, her eyes wide and startled.
"You made him this way." I'm going straight to hell for talking to an innocent little thing like her this way, but it's the truth. She's the reason I'm so fucking hard right now, but if she's old enough to get him this damn hard, she's old enough to know it. And she's definitely old enough. She may be an innocent little angel, but she's got woman written all over her.
She opens her mouth and then snaps it closed again without saying anything, an adorable blush staining her cheeks. But she seems less nervous suddenly.
"I still think you're lying about the cabin," she finally mutters, looking up at me through her lashes.
"I can go get you the paperwork," I offer, hoping it'll ease her mind. I need her trust. The fact that I don't have it already has me ready to start breaking shit.
Her eyes widen at the proposition, fear, and curiosity warring for dominion. Surprisingly, indignation wins out.
"I'm not going anywhere with you!" The words tumble out of her mouth in a breathy whisper that's too fucking cute for words.
I chuckle, unable to help myself. She's a prickly little thing, but she's captivating as hell as she tries to regain control and draw some semblance of armor around herself.
"That wasn't an invitation for you to go with me, pretty angel. I'm perfectly content with you right here in our room."
"But we're not… we aren't…" she stammers, struggling for words.
I fight a grin, amused at how fucking sweet she is. Jesus Christ. I can't wait until she's mine. "We aren't what?"
"Nothing," she finally mutters, giving up with a little bounce of her shoulders that makes her tits jiggle. "Please get the paperwork."
Nodding, I head outside to fetch it from my truck and give her a moment to herself.
The cool night air is a welcome distraction. But as soon as the door closes behind me, however, a pit of anxiety opens in my stomach.
She's too far away. I don't like it.
Jesus. I've always prided myself on being a man of control, but right now, I'm not sure I have any. The way I feel about her is overwhelmingly powerful. Terrifyingly so. I feel obsession clawing through my guts, roiling like a thing alive.
The scent of pine and moss calms my racing thoughts. But my heart still thuds wildly against my ribcage, anticipation like a fucking drumbeat pounding through me.
Yanking open the glove box, I pull out the pile of paperwork detailing every nitty-gritty aspect of the cabin's purchase. It's all there—everything from square footage to property taxes—ready to convince my little angel that this isn't just some twisted game. I'm not lying to her. I wouldn't dream of doing that.
I jog back up the steps, half expecting to find that she's locked and barricaded the door against me. Instead, I find her tucked into the corner of the couch, the bright overhead lights showing even more of her delectable body beneath that nightie as she wrings her hands together.