Page 11 of July 27
"Why the fuck would I care what some girl is doing?" He grunted. "If she wants to stare at the fucking sky, she can. It's a free world."
The tape ran out on the dispenser. He chucked the empty cardboard roll into the garbage. The hours passed slowly today. All he wanted to do was get out and ride.
Dio put up his hands. "No worries. But I thought you took the girl home."
He frowned. "What the hell are you talking about?"
"I'm saying that girl you had at the clubhouse is standing outside." Dio shook his head. "I swear, nobody listens around here."
Ruger dropped the dispenser and rounded the counter, going to the large windows in the front of the building. Looking out, he spotted Rachel. What the fuck?
He went out the door and stood on the sidewalk. Rachel turned as if sensing him there and walked straight to him. Several heartbeats later, without saying a word, she threw her arms around his waist and plastered herself against the front of him.
Cupping the back of her head, he scanned the area. "How did you get here?"
"I stole a car."
His fingers tangled in the back of her hair. He wasn't sure if she was kidding or telling the truth. During the time they were together, there was no room for joking.
"Where's the car?" he asked.
"I left it parked on the edge of the highway." She raised her brown eyes to him. "There are no cameras there."
Shit. That was at least three miles away.
"Come inside." He led her into the building and got a bottle of water from the mini fridge in the back of the shop. "Drink this."
Dio motioned to the back door. Ruger nodded. He could handle the shop and talk to Rachel until he found out what was going on.
When they were alone, he pointed to the stool. "Sit."
She took a long drink and then worked her lips together in worry. "Are you mad?"
He scratched his jaw underneath his beard. "You don't belong here."
"But I wanted to see you."
"I hate the apartment." She put the water bottle between her thighs and leaned forward on the stool. "There's nothing there, and Corbin only comes every other day to bring me food."
Ruger leaned his hip on the counter and crossed his arms. The last thing he wanted to do was get mixed up in someone else's problem. He'd returned Shady's favor. He was done.
"Are the cops following you?" he asked.
If the police were coming, he'd have to do something with Rachel. Havlin couldn't be found harboring a wanted person.
"No." She frowned. "Why would they?"
"You stole a car." He narrowed his gaze. "How do you know they didn't follow you or someone hasn't reported the car gone?"
"Because I'm good, and I've never been caught." She lowered her voice. "I didn't want to steal the car, but I had no way to get to you. I don't even have a phone—not that I know your phone number."
He ran his hand over his beard. She couldn't stay here. He had to take her back.
"Finish your water before you pass out from dehydration." He pulled out his phone, needing to contact Jagger, but he kept tapping the symbol. The keypad would come up and then disappear.
Gritting his teeth, he gave up and pocketed his phone. "Stay here."